How are you paying for Nursing school?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


For my pre reqs I have been attending a community college and either used government loans and/or paid out of pocket, and my husbands work reimbursed us a total of $3000 for tuition. Now I am getting ready to transfer to a different school that costs $18000/year but since I have taken quite a few of classes I will probably pay about $13000. I am eligible for about $9000 in government loans so where else should I get school loans? I'm nervous because I've only ever used the loans that don't accrue interest and then are very low interest until paid off.

Yeah student loans terrify me also. I saw my parents struggle with their loans all through my childhood. I am hoping to pay for everything out of pocket. I am hoping I can qualify for Nurse Corps if I need any additional funds.

I'm paying in cash bc it is only $3000

That's when I get the acceptance letter.

I'm paying my $43,000 by cash. I don't want loans so I have been saving! I also work on the weekends.

It's a beautiful day to save lives.

My program is $27,000 and I used grants, substidized and unsubstidized loans, got a $1000 scholarship, and only had to pay $300 out of pocket.

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