How old are you?

Nurses Men


I am 52.

I am physically fit and in superior health.

Just curious what the age range for men is.

"Party on Wayne! Party on Garth!"

i did not see your description as boasting, in fact, my husband is a nurse and is 50 and you just made my day. I am glad that you are fit and healthy too, which is a plus at just about any age.

i did not see your description as boasting, in fact, my husband is a nurse and is 50 and you just made my day. I am glad that you are fit and healthy too, which is a plus at just about any age.

Turned 28 in Nov Graduated RN in Dec 2014...

Specializes in Critical care.

At 48 I was a mess. 40#s overweight, Cholesterol through the roof, Triglycerides, borderline type 2, ...

Quit talking about me!


Just turned 22, but I could pass for 17 and my patients never fail to pick up on that.

37 most patients guess my age as 22-28, especially with my hair trimed low. I'm keeping longer hair recently, just so I look older

I'm 28 and currently pursuing Arnold Schwarzeneggers physique

Specializes in Peri-Op.
Specializes in Peri-Op.
I'm 28 and currently pursuing Arnold Schwarzeneggers physique

His physique 25 years ago or now?

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
His physique 25 years ago or now?

:roflmao: Good point!

Gracie - 25 Was a great age. Mid 20s were awesome for me. I was just getting out of the military and the future was mine to go after and loved it. Met my wife. I was doing it right. I was a mature person and life although still challenging was great!

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