How much difference in preparation for nclex and crne?

World International


Specializes in senior staff nurse in medsurg icu.

HI all,

I did applied for regestration in alberta,canada.

still finding how to prepare for crne exam?

In my area there is no coaching centre which provides coaching for crne,

so i thought i will attend classes which are given for nclex,

i assume both the exams have same questionery or both exams are different?

will it be useful to me if i attened nclex classes n give crne ???????????

plzzzzzzzz help

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

The CRNE is nothing like the NCLEX therefore why waste money looking at NCLEX?

There are a few threads in the Canadian forum discussing CRNE you may want to try searching for them and seeing what they say

Specializes in intensive care, recovery, anesthetics.

I don't know why people think, just because the 2 countrys are neighbours that their nursing exam is the same.

When you apply for CRNE and be approved they send you info regarding the prepguide, plus there's plenty of info here on this board.


i dont know why NCLEX-rn passer is equivalent to Practical Nursing in Canada....

Because a batch of BScNs from the Phillipines had their educations assessed by CARNA and were found to have the equivalent of the PN diploma issued in Alberta.

Do a search on here. There were loads of posts on this about a year ago.

Then what happened to those Phillipine nurses whose BSN was found to be equivalent LPN ? Were they given an opportunity to sit for the LPN boards or were they completely denied. Just wondering.


i dont know why NCLEX-rn passer is equivalent to Practical Nursing in Canada....

It's pretty simple, each country has their own guidelines for foreign nursing graduates. The NCLEX-RN/NCLEX-PN is in regards to US nursing education, and the CRNE pertains to Canada. The two countries are totally different and therefore the exams aren't interchangable.

Because a batch of BScNs from the Phillipines had their educations assessed by CARNA and were found to have the equivalent of the PN diploma issued in Alberta.

Do a search on here. There were loads of posts on this about a year ago.

I don't understand why someone thinks just because they're a RN in their home country that they should automatically be a RN in the country where they're wanting to work? It seems that Alberta has some pretty high standards and I hope that the US will re-evaluate theirs and do the same. I'm not even sure if our LPN/LVN would even be equivalent to Canada's RPN. Has there been any US LPN/LVN been allowed to work as a RPN in Canada?

Specializes in med/surg.

Just to return to the original post (not that I don't agree with the above) the CRNE is soooooo different from N-CLEX (I've passed both) that it's not worth spending money to study one if you're planning on taking the other.

N-CLEX is very technical whereas CRNE has a heavy psych-social lean.

Check out the stickies in the Canadian forum for info on CRNE.

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