Published Apr 20, 2006
14 Posts
This is the first time I've posted anything. I read through most of the archives and have gained so much valuable information. Thank you to everyone that has contributed.
I've read in the *Read first* section that Nilepoc suggests only applying to 2 or 3 CRNA schools. After doing some searches, I haven't found much other info on this topic. I have been finding while talking to physicians, that as pre-med student they would usually apply to 25+ schools, so as to better their chances.
I would really like to hear from any SRNA's or CRNA's about how many schools they applied to/ how many interviews/ how may acceptance letters.
1,093 Posts
502 Posts
Focker, CRNA
175 Posts
556 Posts
hey there
I only applied to one. I've talked to alot of schools and gotten alot of their app info. One thing i noticed was that they often ask how many schools you are applying to (dont know if this is universal). If not on the app, i would bet they would ask in the interview.
It seems to me, if i were an admissions or program director, I would see someone who only applies to my school as a compliment. While that may, or may not, mean anything in regards to your chance for admissions, it cant hurt.
Thank you all for your replies. I must admit, I am suprised. I no longer feel like the 5 apps I'm doing aren't enough. Any other posts/comments would be very appreciated also.
Thanks again.
EmeraldNYL, BSN, RN
953 Posts
I applied to 3, got accepted to 2, so I turned down the interview offer at the third.
350 Posts
1 here too.
422 Posts
applications, 4, interviews granted 4, actual interviews 1, took the first offer. plenty happy with my choice.
apaisRN, RN, CRNA
692 Posts
Again thanks for all the info. As the numbers have all stayed fairly low, I am still suprised. Yet I'm not overly confident either, even though I feel I will be a competitive applicant come application time. I just went to an open house today and the Director of the program there reaffirmed just how competitve it was by stating that 184 validapps last year resulted in 40 interviews for 15 spots.
Thanks to everyone that posted.