How many schools did you apply to?


This is the first time I've posted anything. I read through most of the archives and have gained so much valuable information. Thank you to everyone that has contributed.

I've read in the *Read first* section that Nilepoc suggests only applying to 2 or 3 CRNA schools. After doing some searches, I haven't found much other info on this topic. I have been finding while talking to physicians, that as pre-med student they would usually apply to 25+ schools, so as to better their chances.

I would really like to hear from any SRNA's or CRNA's about how many schools they applied to/ how many interviews/ how may acceptance letters.


applied to 1, accepted at 1

Specializes in Cardiac/CCU.

Applied to 1, accepted.

Two. 1 waitlisted, 1 accepted.

I applied to 5 , interviewed at 4 and got accepted at 2. The problem with applying to lot of schools is recommendations. I didn't feel like I could ask my professors and Docs to fill out more than 5 evals. All of the schools I applied to have different froms to fill out of recommendations so, its not possible to make copies of one letter. Also application fees and traveling to interviews got to be really expensive.

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