Published Oct 18, 2007
18 Posts
I am going to clinical twice a week during this semester. Sometimes, I meet instructors or senior students who demend pretty excessively on the overall performance. I try to accept all the advices that they give to me, because most of them make me sense for the educational developments to be successful as a SRNA. In someway, It gives me too much stresses which makes me feel unhappy about what I am doing. This is the last semester of didactic section. 4-7th semesters will be all full time clinicals. maybe I will get used to this environments someday in the future.
If there are somebody who been through this earlier than me, please give me some advces how I can be successful and become less stressful in the clinical for the rest of school period.
I know and feel that CRNA school is not easy to go through,But I am trying to think any good things that can motivate me at least. any coments will be appreciated. thanks:idea:
dfk, RN, CRNA
501 Posts
to make lite and short, to the OP title:
you just do !
17 Posts
Well, what i've learned is, they don't care anything about you or what your past experience was. They don't want you to ask questions or do anything that isn't their way. You are basically an idiot the minute you walk in the door, and if you want to survive, than you have to just not say anything and have enough inner confidence to know that you aren't an idiot or you wouldn't be there. Do I sound frustrated and bitter? I am a little. But I know that it seems to be that way no matter where you're at. I also know that I'm there to learn, and graduate. So, when someone tells me they don't like the way I taped an ET tube, even though Suzie CRNA or Joe Blow MDA told me to tape it that way, I just tape it the way they want, and not say anything else. I have less than a year left, and I know when I graduate that hopefully having the "pleasure" of working with fifteen different CRNAs and MDAs who all want it done their way, which is of course the best and only way, will allow me to assimilate the best of the info and integrate it the way I want to. And hopefully I will treat students better than I've been treated! Just have some inner confidence that you are there because you earned it, and don't let them take your inner peace away from you or your confidence in yourself!
199 Posts
First, senior students, while they can be helpful in terms of sharing their experiences in what you are going through, have no business placing any demands on you. How is this happening? Any senior student giving you a problem, I would tell to shut their pie hole.
CRNA preceptors come in all shapes, sizes and temperments. No matter what you do there are some you will NEVER please. This type beleives it is their duty to make you miserbale. Recognize this species and accept it....there is no other alternative. If ALL, or the MAJORITY of your preceptors are giving you a "hard time", you may not be preparing enough for cases. Ask what you can do to improve.
Qwiigley, BSN, MSN, DNP, RN, CRNA
571 Posts
IT is tough being a student. But when I am with my students, I tell them to remember, that they were the Best of the Best. They had to be the best critical care nurse to even get into the program. (Our program gets 800 applicants per year and they accept 30). I tell them about the mean people I had to deal with when I was in school and we laugh about it together. Then I tell them what I expect from them. I expect them to do everything by the book and no fudging. When you are in school you need to get in the habit of doing things the "correct" way. Not my way. If Morgan and Mikhail says you do it a certain way, then that's the way we'll do it. Not the way I may do it if the student were not there, but by the book.
Learn good habits while you are in school.
People who try to get you to do things their way will always be out there. You don't ever have to apologize for doing something by the book, nor for being too polite.
103 Posts
Repeat after me.....WOW, I never thought of it like that before!! // GOSH, you make such a valid point! ,// ABSOLUTELY, I agree! // OK, sounds like a great plan! :bowingpur
And my backup icebreakers and stress reducing questions.....What is your favorite gas and why? // How long have you been a CRNA? // Where did you train? // blah. blah. blah.:bowingpur
Hang in there, school is harsh, but It will all be worth it!!! // blah blah
1,853 Posts
Last semester, I had 4 clinical instructors due to lack of staff. I learned to go with the flow, whatever was asked of me, I did it.
657 Posts
It's frustrating but just deal with it, soon you will be the senior student and it does come easier once you are a senior student. Soon they will be leaving you by yourself in the room and let you do things your way. Not always, but if they see that you know your stuff they will let you give anesthesia your way.
234 Posts
I remember those days. Each OR has different attitudes towards students. The first month I was doing my clinicals, I learned pretty quick that I have to go with the flow. That helped me a lot. Although on my 3rd month, I thought to myself...what have ive done? Is this the right decision?
Now I can say I made the right decision.
Go for it. It may be a long stressful 24 hour call but its worth it at the end.
Oh by the way, there is a thing called prayer. It helps a lot.
61 Posts
Yep, I think you got it down...all of you SRNAs out there take note...good advice
99 Posts
o.k., first of all, I wouldn't worry too much about senior srna's, b/c they are still learning, allbeit, much more comfortable than you are, but still learning. Secondly, I am currently in clinical, and I do have some advice for ya.........First of all, every crna has their particular way of doing things, you need to write it down and keep track, and tell all of your clinical srna friends, so that everyone knows........It seems silly I know, but that is what we do!!! ha ha.....At least when you go to do an emergence with said crna, you know how he/she wants it done, that way you don't get the 10-15 minute lecture on why his/her way is the only way it should be done.................On the other hand, you will learn which crna's are very open to you doing whatever that you want to do..........If you want to use a particular drug, or a particular technique, etc, then be sure that you know these drugs/techniques well and can justify it per patient individuality...........Anywho, you will learn which crna's will allow this, and you will be greatful for their existence!!!More importantly, I find that the OR staff/ not the CRNA's are the hardest to deal with!!! Let me know if anyone else agrees..............There are going to be OR RN's who have seen about a million inductions, etc, and they really and truly believe that they know more about anesthesia than you do!! ( Hey, for all I know, they probably do). But, just don't respond to their comments and focus on the patient.............Surgeons have comments at times as well, but I just tell them, Hey I'm learning today, and I bet like a million years ago you weren't the fastest doctor at suturing now were ya?? Sometimes I get a laugh, sometimes a really ugly look!! I guess just be able to laugh at yourself, b/c you are going to make so many fumbling little mistakes........................
quote=jin00005;2452612]I am going to clinical twice a week during this semester. Sometimes, I meet instructors or senior students who demend pretty excessively on the overall performance. I try to accept all the advices that they give to me, because most of them make me sense for the educational developments to be successful as a SRNA. In someway, It gives me too much stresses which makes me feel unhappy about what I am doing. This is the last semester of didactic section. 4-7th semesters will be all full time clinicals. maybe I will get used to this environments someday in the future.
208 Posts