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About miloisstinky

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  1. Can I Shadow You?

    Are you in LA, meaning Los Angeles?? Why dont you email the program directors of programs in the area that you are interested in? Ask them if there is a CRNA that would be interested in allowing a...
  2. Repeat after me.....WOW, I never thought of it like that before!! // GOSH, you make such a valid point! ,// ABSOLUTELY, I agree! // OK, sounds like a great plan! :bowingpur And my backup icebreakers...
  3. Epidurals/Tatoos

    I had never heard of this!!!!!!!!!:uhoh21::uhoh21::uhoh21: I wish I had thought about this more thoroughly as a stupid 18 year old gettin a huge meaningless lower back im a silly 30...
  4. Wow, Congratulations on all you success! But remember, just because you are accepted into medical school, does NOT mean you are accepted into an anesthesia residency program, its getting harder and...
  5. This is an add on to my previous thread regarding a situation where the patient appeared to be OK, then i rolled her out to the hallway and she was NOT OK. TURNOVER TURNOVER!!!! Whatever anyone says,...
  6. Thanks guys, VACCRN, Im most pee O'd at myself, cause I think she had a laryngospasm in the friggin hallway and i didnt notice it!!!!!!!! Im gonna ask another question on a new thread re waiting time...
  7. This was a scary 1st for me.... I extubated a perfectly healthy 50 YO Female s/p lap chole, uneventful, extubation criteria met, wide awake. On extubation she stated she "couldnt breathe", as some pts...
  8. Im sorry you had a such a crappy day, its frustrating I KNOW!! Being a student is painful, you did the right thing. My motto in school (although some may disagree) was "put up and shut up", mostly...
  9. Intubation Difficulties

    Once you get into the vallecula, think "lift up to the left corner of the room" the trachea naturally deviates slightly to the left. Dont worry, i used to cry in my car when i missed intubations as a...
  10. Hi all, What is your hospital policy and/or your preference and rationale for allowing the husband or family member to stand infront of the mom, supporting her or "hugging" her, as she is receiving...
  11. CRNA school without a BSN

    SRNA11, you are wrong. You do not need a BSN to get into every CRNA school, some require a bachelor of science degree (not BSN) and a RN license with acute care experience. Just contact schools you...
  12. CRNA program while raising kids

    I didnt have kids (thank GOD!) Its super hard....BUT my girlfriend in the class had a 12 year old daughter, they used to study in the evenings together.....sets a great example for them....there is...
  13. Arubi, no one in my class, including myself, had to take any additional chem courses, they were all covered by the BSN, several of us did have to take physics, which i guess is not standard with the...
  14. Give me some advice...hand tremor

    Could it be too much coffee or caffeine, i try to avoid coffee if im doing a procedure that involves steady hands. Also i practice my steadiness and try to relax myself (steady any nerves) before...
  15. Physics can be VERY basic, i did this distance course and it was so easy and usc accepted it ..... just double check because that was 2 years...