Published Dec 19, 2008
Ms. Nurse Assistant, LPN
452 Posts
I've been looking for a nursing assistant job for the past few months without luck. One day, I woke up, dressed myself appropriately and went down the avenue that has a strip of nursing homes. Do you know that three of these places turned me away without even letting me fill out an application? I have had training, and I know what to wear and what not to wear. I was not dressed like a teenybopper or wearing anything inappropriately. I had on black slacks, and a nice winter coat. I walked in and told the receptionist I was seeking employment as an aide, she guided me down to human resources. I went downstairs asked them if I could fill out an application for nursing assistant, and the lady behind the desk just said, "no" and I said, "do you have any open positions for anything else, perhaps housekeeping ?" and she briefly replied 'no" without giving me a a second look. This happened a few other times. I don't know what the problem is.
I went through a program that trains people how to go for a job, and behave on job interviews. My trainer told me how the receptionist and people in the place of employment judge you based on how you look or dress, and they told me what is appropriate to wear and what is not. And the right type of attitude to have.
I dress appropriately, I do not wear any hairstyles with crazy colors or designs or styles. My hair is long, dark and basic. My makeup is toned down and natural. I am very polite to the receptionist because I know they are judging you too. Some receptionist will even trash the application based on the first impression they have of you.
I am just starting to wonder is it me?? I mean to go on a job hunt and to be turned away from like 3 or 4 nursing homes without being allowed to apply it makes me wonder if there is something discriminatory going on. This happened a few weeks ago as well. Is it the recession?
I applied at a small agency that was hiring over a month ago and I noticed the girl was looking at my attire, my hair and everything. I made sure I was presentable and not wearing anything too "jazzy", so I don't know what fault she could find. I never received a word back from them.
Could anyone give me tips on what I can do to improve my chances of getting hired? Any idea of what I could be doing wrong with being conscious of it?
79 Posts
Could you find out the name of the person in Human Resources that does the hiring and interviewing? Then try to contact that person, ask if they are hiring, instead of going through the reception people. That's what I had done at one job that I wanted - call the person who does the hiring. At that same place, when I went in person to ask reception people - they said "we don't take applications from people off the street."
I got an interview and was hired, after I phoned the person who does the hiring. It was at a time when they needed staff.
There have been other times, when places really are not hiring - so they would say that I could fill out application, but it would only be kept for several months (hiring freezes). Yet, another place phoned me even a year after I had left an application.
Could you sort of get your foot in the door by doing some volunteer work at any of the places, even once a week - that way they get to know you, and you get to know them - might be a way.
Good luck.
38,333 Posts
I applied at a place a second time and was called into the DON's office for an interview. She told me that she had never seen my previous application. I learned from this that it is good to try to see that your application gets into the hands of whoever will be hiring you. Receptionists most likely do their own version of screening. That would have to be the case, when the hiring manager or human resources department say that they have never seen your application.
1,196 Posts
One trick I've learned is to call and talk directly to human resources FIRST. Tell them your name and that you would be very interested in applying to work for their company. Ask them how the best way to do this would be - some places prefer online applications, some places like you to apply in person. Either way, when you call and ask, HR will see some enthusiasm and will also already have heard your name.
When you turn in your application, if it is in person, ask directly to see HR to turn it in. Don't just hand it to the person at the front desk.
Either way, after you submit an application, call regularly to check up on it. Be friendly and upbeat, and make your interest in the position known.
Sometimes the only way to set yourself apart from what may be a pack of applicants is to show enthusiasm and persistence.
637 Posts
i've been looking for a nursing assistant job for the past few months without luck. one day, i woke up, dressed myself appropriately and went down the avenue that has a strip of nursing homes. do you know that three of these places turned me away without even letting me fill out an application? i have had training, and i know what to wear and what not to wear. i was not dressed like a teenybopper or wearing anything inappropriately. i had on black slacks, and a nice winter coat. i walked in and told the receptionist i was seeking employment as an aide, she guided me down to human resources. i went downstairs asked them if i could fill out an application for nursing assistant, and the lady behind the desk just said, "no" and i said, "do you have any open positions for anything else, perhaps housekeeping ?" and she briefly replied 'no" without giving me a a second look. this happened a few other times. i don't know what the problem is. i went through a program that trains people how to go for a job, and behave on job interviews. my trainer told me how the receptionist and people in the place of employment judge you based on how you look or dress, and they told me what is appropriate to wear and what is not. and the right type of attitude to have. i dress appropriately, i do not wear any hairstyles with crazy colors or designs or styles. my hair is long, dark and basic. my makeup is toned down and natural. i am very polite to the receptionist because i know they are judging you too. some receptionist will even trash the application based on the first impression they have of you. i am just starting to wonder is it me?? i mean to go on a job hunt and to be turned away from like 3 or 4 nursing homes without being allowed to apply it makes me wonder if there is something discriminatory going on. this happened a few weeks ago as well. is it the recession?i applied at a small agency that was hiring over a month ago and i noticed the girl was looking at my attire, my hair and everything. i made sure i was presentable and not wearing anything too "jazzy", so i don't know what fault she could find. i never received a word back from them. could anyone give me tips on what i can do to improve my chances of getting hired? any idea of what i could be doing wrong with being conscious of it?
i went through a program that trains people how to go for a job, and behave on job interviews. my trainer told me how the receptionist and people in the place of employment judge you based on how you look or dress, and they told me what is appropriate to wear and what is not. and the right type of attitude to have.
i dress appropriately, i do not wear any hairstyles with crazy colors or designs or styles. my hair is long, dark and basic. my makeup is toned down and natural. i am very polite to the receptionist because i know they are judging you too. some receptionist will even trash the application based on the first impression they have of you.
i am just starting to wonder is it me?? i mean to go on a job hunt and to be turned away from like 3 or 4 nursing homes without being allowed to apply it makes me wonder if there is something discriminatory going on. this happened a few weeks ago as well. is it the recession?
i applied at a small agency that was hiring over a month ago and i noticed the girl was looking at my attire, my hair and everything. i made sure i was presentable and not wearing anything too "jazzy", so i don't know what fault she could find. i never received a word back from them.
could anyone give me tips on what i can do to improve my chances of getting hired? any idea of what i could be doing wrong with being conscious of it?
^^ it isn't you. i noticed that agency staff sometimes get that way when the job market is bad. i was looking for a job back in 2002 (non-health care) and ran into the same sort of thing. and the present job market is much worse than 2002. at that time it took some employers months to get back to me but i did hear back from some of them eventually. i agree about the importance of getting your applications to someone with hiring authority. so don't internalize it and don't give up. you will start getting calls eventually.
32 Posts
Keep looking, good things come to those who wait, keep looking online too, and like the other posters said, call HR.
I have ran into plenty of really rude receptionists at LTC facilities, I dont understand why they are so rude and nasty on the phone and in person. I am the type of person who is really sensitive about people being rude to me and it will bother me for days. I get over it eventually though.
60 Posts
I even posted this on the Illinois forum - I too couldn't find a job as a CNA. Other than you, I applied mostly online, most hospitals (several nursing homes too) in the Chicago area make it impossible to apply differently. Then of course I started to panic when nobody contacted me And I complained on the forum...
As it turned out, a few days after my woes, job offers started to attack my e-mailbox and phone. I had 7 interviews, and was finally accepted to a hospital and 2 nursing homes. I chose the hospital. I waited 3 months before anything happened! I still get offers, to which I proudly reply I already have a job.
Good luck to you! :) If you really want it and show determination, you will find a job.
266 Posts
I could be wrong, but I remember something about it being unlawful to not allow someone to fill out/turn in an application?
I agree with PP---I would call and speak to Director of HR at least---I have found that the 'administrative assistant' behind the desk of most places isn't there to help you.
Good luck!
225 Posts
I really think it's just a bad time of year to look for a job. I've heard that many places don't do hiring in December, and wait instead until after the 1st of the new year, with new budgets and such. I wouldn't feel too badly if I were you!