How long did it take you to start liking your job?


I'm a new nurse, been working for about 2 months and I am finding that I really don't like my job. I've been starting to look into what I want to specialize in and honestly nothing sounds good to me, nothing about nursing interests me anymore. I understand there is an adjustment period to be expected and I'm probably just feeling a little exhausted from the 'newness' of it all, I was just wondering how long it took you guys out there to start enjoying nursing?

I am 9 months in and I finally have more good days than bad. Overall I still would not say I LIKE it per se. I doubt I ever will. At least, I am fairly certain that med surg is not my thing.

Only two months is not long enough to feel on top of things or to truly be stress free enough to actually enjoy your job. I know a lot of nurses who found a position right away that they love and are excited about but that's not the majority. It will get easier and you'll become more efficient and more confident and be able to let your hair down a little and enjoy your co-workers and patients more. Right now I'm in med-surg and I don't really like this area that well but there are parts of it I do like. Look at what does interest you and go from there. There are so many areas you can go in to like dr's office, school, educational services, urgent care, insurance company, home health, rehab, etc that aren't neccesarily a hospital specialty. I also think its a good idea to float if you can to try different areas of the hospital. No one likes getting pulled but I always liked seeing how different units ran. Hang in there and don't give up yet! Also remember a job is a job-no matter what job you have there will be days of stress and wondering what have I gotten myself into! Look for outside interests to make you happy as well and de-stress when you're off.

I work in LTC. I don't think I will ever like my job. I will try to do the best I can at work. I will tolerate my LTC job in order to pay my bills.

"Like" is not a term I would use. How about "satisfaction"?

There is a real satisfaction so seeing patients get better. There is satisfaction in a job well done, good financial reimbursement and acquisition of real skills.

I discovered real satisfaction when I left my first overwork job and transfered to ICU. The early days were a struggle, and everyone gets bad days now and then, but I feel much better.

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