How long did you study for the GRE?


Specializes in ACNP-BC.

Hi everyone! I'm planning on applying to an adult acute/critical care NP program for Fall 2006 (deadline to apply is May 2006) & I just signed up to take the GRE general test next month. I bought 3 prep books for it & will start studying tomorrow for it. Right now I'm only working 24 hours/week as an RN so I'll have a lot of time to study for it. How long did all of you take to prepare for your GRE?



Specializes in SICU,L and D.

GRE is not that hard. I studied a week max. It is easier than people make it out to be. If you are scared then just study for a a couple of weeks more. YOu will do fine.

Specializes in Postpartum.

I didn't study the verbal at all. I reviewed math for about two weeks mabe an hour a day. I reviewed some of the topics and sample essays that were in my study book for the Analytical Writing section, but I didn't write any essays myself, because I didn't really see the point as I wouldn't be able to grade it myself. With a little review the GRE isn't all that scary. Get a good night's sleep the night before and have a good breakfast is my best advice. Good luck!


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I actually spent the money and took the Kaplan course over a 6-month period some years ago. I had been out of school for awhile at the time. They gave us a lot of test taking tips. For instance, in the math section, many problems are designed to see if you can apply some little short cut to get to the answer. We were also advised to read articles from the New York Times and work on summarizing the main points we had read. For the logic section they gave us a lot of practice problems to work on. I always had trouble doing those. I've bought the monthly logic puzzle books from the stores and just had a hard time figuring these logic things out. I purchased two boxes of vocabulary cards to work on my vocabulary as well. I don't care what anyone else says here, the grade you get on the GRE is important to your entrance into the graduate school you want to get into. The higher your score, the more likely you are going to be considered.

The first time I took the GRE I studied a book called "GRE for Dummies" and a little bit from the GRE book that ETS sends you when you register for the test. On top of that I took a class at the University I attend called "Preparing for the GRE". After all that my score didn't even reach the 1000 mark. I am scheduled to take the exam again this Friday and have been studying Kaplan's math Workbook and Kaplan's Flip-O-Matic (Verbal flashcards) for about 4 months. I will let you know if this works after Friday.

I graduated college in the 80's so it's been awhile since I've taken a standardized test. Being too cheap to spend money on study guides, I used the free guides on the GRE website. I also signed up for .

It was great for getting a feel for the format and practicing different kinds of math problems and all the verbal associations. I probably did this sporadically 1-2 times/week for an hour at a time for about 6 weeks. Did fine on the exam. Good Luck!

I checked out a prep guide from the public library and spent about 3 days reviewing the math. There was a lot of geometry-related stuff that came back to me when I reviewed the guide but without that review I don't know how I ever would have dug it up from the depths of my brain on test day.

Otherwise I did no review - and I did fine.

Specializes in NICU, GYN.

The GRE really isn't all that bad. I bought a Kaplan review book and studied from the powerprep disk that ETS sends you and I did really well. Good luck to ya! :)

The first time I took the GRE I studied a book called "GRE for Dummies" and a little bit from the GRE book that ETS sends you when you register for the test. On top of that I took a class at the University I attend called "Preparing for the GRE". After all that my score didn't even reach the 1000 mark. I am scheduled to take the exam again this Friday and have been studying Kaplan's math Workbook and Kaplan's Flip-O-Matic (Verbal flashcards) for about 4 months. I will let you know if this works after Friday.


can you let us know how this worked out for You?


Specializes in Critical Care.

I wasn't an original poster but I will tell you my experience. I studied for about 3-4 weeks. Just basically did practice tests and brushed up on some geometry and algebra. I got an 1170. So it did well for me. However, I know several smart girls who have not done as well with lots of studying. I don't thin it is fair to say the GRE is easy. A lot of people have trouble with standardized tests. Just don't stress too much :)

I wasn't an original poster but I will tell you my experience. I studied for about 3-4 weeks. Just basically did practice tests and brushed up on some geometry and algebra. I got an 1170. So it did well for me. However, I know several smart girls who have not done as well with lots of studying. I don't thin it is fair to say the GRE is easy. A lot of people have trouble with standardized tests. Just don't stress too much :)

Thank you for replying!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Orthopedics, Hospitalists.

I got a reveiw book and went over the entire math section, as I haven't done any algebra or geometry or whatever since my undergrad, and found that it all came back to me pretty quickly. I didn't really review for the english/grammer section, I just practiced writing a few 5 paragraph papers.

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