How long before you attempt a retake


Specializes in ED, OB.

I wanted some open opinions about how long it is suggested that you wait until you attempt to retake the nclex once you fail. I have heard so many things from... take it asap - longer you wait, more you lose... take your time, don't rush...

I am not asking for advice on which study plan (Kaplan, Hurst, Suzanne's, Reinhart) I just want ideas on what really is a realistic recovery with success time.

Thanks for all your input!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I personally waited until I felt ready to resit the exam. I practised as much as I could

I wanted some open opinions about how long it is suggested that you wait until you attempt to retake the nclex once you fail. I have heard so many things from... take it asap - longer you wait, more you lose... take your time, don't rush...

I am not asking for advice on which study plan (Kaplan, Hurst, Suzanne's, Reinhart) I just want ideas on what really is a realistic recovery with success time.

Thanks for all your input!

Im asking the same thing! I got the cc page on the PVT and did not get the results yet, but im convinced that I failed already. Anyway. I dont know how soon I want to retake again. Is sooner the better?

I took mine before New Year. I am going to retake in April. I am so so scared...I know I am not ready for it. But I have to give myselt some pressure.

Make sure you've given yourself enough time to grieve over the failing of your last attempt but THEN go full throttle on studying for the exam. Study as if you have never sat for the NCLEX, start from the bottom up, until you feel you are prepared. You're never going to feel 100% prepared but 80% isn't bad! It all really depends on you. I waited 5 months to the hour to retake my exam... but I was depressed and had a lot of familial things going on.

Good luck!!

Hope the OP has passed NCLEX by now.

Hope the OP has passed NCLEX by now.

Haha... That's true! Oops!

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