How I passed NCLEX-RN 2014

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hello, ya'll. Coming to you as a VERY new nurse!

I just took my Nclex on Feb. 20, 2014, and I found out on Feb. 22nd that I am a REGISTERED NURSE! I'm coming to you with my tips because I greatly appreciated other people sharing their advice to me before i took the test.

Let me start out by saying that I was never the greatest student in nursing school, definitely more of a lazy student. When I decided to start studying for Nclex, I decided to take the plunge and get Kaplan. It really did hurt spending so much money, but I do not regret it.

i studied like it was my job, it is truly the only way to do it. set your alarm every morning, and go to the library or starbucks or wherever you like to study at the same time everyday and don't be late, ACT LIKE STUDYING IS YOUR JOB; i cant stress that enough. i went through and watched all of the kaplan lectures, and took notes on every single one. it is very time consuming, but it is a good refresher for EVERYTHING. they go over every little detail, and it truly helps. i'll be honest, i did not read the kaplan course book that went along with it. after watching all of the lectures, i did qbank quizzes. by the end of my studying journey, i did every single q bank question. and DONT worry about the grades you get on the quizzes, just pay attention to the rationales. read every single rationale, even if you got it right. i would go through the rationales, and take notes on every single question (i find if i write something down, i will remember it better). i then went on to the question trainers, i did 1-6, i never got to the last one, and i did the same thing, i would take the test (not get a very good grade), and then go over the rationales and write everything down. on the qbanks, my grades ranged from high 40's to the 60's with a few 70's and 80's thrown in there, and every single one of my question trainers i got a grade in the 50's. so remember, do not get discouraged if youre not getting 80's and 90's, just pay attention to why you got the questions wrong. i cannot stress enough the importance of doing practice questions, whether you have kaplan or not, PRACTICE practice practice answering questions. every single day. do about 100-200 a day, no more than 200. you get the most random questions on nclex, things you may have never heard of, so if you practice answering enough questions, you will get better at making smart guesses on questions you dont know the answer to.

I got 100 questions on Nclex, and I know everyone gets so concerned with the amount of questions they get, but really, dont think about it too much. I know people that passed in 75, failed in 75, passed at 150, and passed at all 256. do not stress out about the number of questions you get. if youre in the middle of taking the test, and it gets to number 76, be happy! that means you are still in the game, and you are in it! so don't get discouraged, you are doing great! i got a TON of SATA questions, so many that i thought there was no way i was going to pass, and i got 2 drag and drops and no math. i got a few meds, most of them i had never heard of.

the best advice i can give to you is just to practice your questions. i did a lot of praying, and A LOT of talking to myself. i know it sounds silly, but for the few days leading up to the test, i would constantly say to myself, "you can do this. youve worked so hard, you've got this." remember to take deep breaths, and truly believe in yourself with all that you've got that you can pass the exam. trust me, i am not a naturally smart person, i had to WORK my butt off for this test, but i did it, and so can you. work hard because trust me, you will feel SO amazing when you see the word "Pass" and you can call all of your family and friends and tell them that you're a nurse! :-)

Best of luck to you all. YOU CAN DO IT!

thank you!! xo :-)

Rachey1331 Congratulations!! I took my nclex on feb 20th. This wasn't my original test date. My original test date was feb 13th but it was cancelled due to the ice storm in Atlanta, GA! Crazy yah I know! I thought this was a set back because I felt so ready but it was Gods grace! I reviewed for the next week until my test and drove 4 hours to south GA to take my test on feb 20! I passed with 75 Qs!!! I prayed with every question! It took me 3 hours to take the test but I'm a slow test taker... Always have been lol. I used HURST review (ahhhhmazing), Saunders, Hesi review book, that prioritization/delegation book, and did a lot of practice Qs!!! You have to think positive and stay focused! It was hard, but it's possible! STUDY STUDY STUDY! And take breaks and try not to obsess! A lot of the Qs are judgment based! You would NEVER find them in a textbook. Also know your core content! Oh yeah, the PVT trick works! Good luck everyone!

congratulations!!!!! i 100% agree with all of your advice! im so happy for you, good luck with all that you do! you have a bright future ahead of you! :-)

Hi. This is my first time here in allnurses. Anyway, I find it so comforting reading the stories of those who successfully passed the dreaded NCLEX RN exam. I took my first Nclex Rn Exam last June 24, 2013 and unfortunately I failed. So I decided to pause for a while and just continue working as a CNA. By the way, I graduated BSN in the philippines last 2011 and been working as a CNA here in america for a year and a half). My co workers keep on pushing me to retake my exam. This time, it was such a relief that Hospital that I'm working will finance my review with kaplan, the ncsbn fee and re-examination fee. I know that kaplan wants us to aim at least 65% in all q trainers (60% for qt's 6 and 7). But it seems like it's so hard to aim that score. Although I finished my q bank with a score of 68%, still I'm struggling in the q trainers. I've read some thread here that pass the nclex with low scores in kaplan qt's and that gives me hope. But there's a lot too who have low scores and ended up failing. Anyway, my scores in kaplan qt's are the following.

Diagnostic Test: 54%

QT's 1: 59%

QT's 2: 51%

QT's 3: 54%

QT's 4: 51%

QT's 5: 53%

QT's 6: 54%

QT's 7: Will take it This Saturday

Readiness Test: 55%

I also answer La Charity's PDA and I score lower 70% and Higher 85%

Any advice? I appreciate all the help. Thank you. ^_^

Hi! First of all, good for you for taking it again. YOU CAN DO IT! like i said in my post, i did not do well on any of the QT's. i believe that as long as you do them, and actually try your hardest, and go over EVERY SINGLE rationale and take notes from that, you will be fine!! also, when you are all done, give yourself a good amount of time to review all of the notes you took from the rationales. i went over all of my notes a few times, and that really helped me. if you didnt take notes, then just go through all of the rationales on the qt's on the computer. but i really do believe that if you just put the work in and take your time with studying (really focus on the rationales, figure out why you got the answer correct or incorrect) then you will be more than prepared. it sounds like you are well prepared, and i feel good about this for you; i really think you will pass this time! truly believe in yourself, believe that you put your heart and soul into your studying, and you can do it! you deserve this. forget about the first time you took the test, this is a fresh start for you. go into the test with confidence, that is one of my biggest tips. i think i said it in my first post, but i was literally talking to myself in my head before i went into the testing center. i reminded myself how hard i worked, and i wasnt going to let all of that hard work go to waste, tell yourself that you are smart, and will make an amazing nurse! take deep breaths, you've got this!!!! good luck, sending you so many positive vibes. please come back and let me know how it goes, praying for you! xo

I am REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU [COLOR=#003366]Rachey1331 & EVERYONE WHO HAS PASSED THE NCLEX! I will be taking the test on April 29th and I am scared and think I am too stupid to pass this exam. However, I have always trusted God and he has done so much for me in the past, that sometimes I feel I can do this! "I just don't trust myself"! I think I don't have what it takes to pass and everyone has been scaring me by saying it is very difficult. I have been praying more so and asking God to give me the strength to believe in myself. I have to say I feel a little better after praying and reading that everyone has these fears. I just want to pass and make it and get it done so I don't have to worry about it ever again. Congrats to all who have passed the nclex! May the Lord bless you as you take care of others!

Congrats to all who have passed and good luck to those who will be writing soon, fingers crossed.

i am a Canadian Nurse and I plan to write NCLEX this summer and will be enrolling with Kaplan. My question is, how do you know what to study for. Does Kaplan tell you. I have specialized in Infection Control and Immunology. I have no idea what a nurse in the hospital does and don't have much exposure with pharmacology for example.

I am finding it hard to understand how I will pass the NCLEX. Nursing is a complex profession as you all know.

Thanks for your comments,


Congrads to all!!!!

aww love this! failed my nclex twice already and planning to take it again soon. I'm doing kaplan as well and cut down my hours at work so i can study more. hope i pass this time around. thanks so much for the great advice!

Did you use only kaplan ? Did you use anything else to supplement the Kaplan videos?

Nursing school was a blur for me and i don't think i retained much to take the NCLEX. Knowing that i have weak content...i bought Saunders but its too overwhelming and im not retaining anything.

I just want to pass this NCLEX!

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