Published Nov 26, 2016
6 Posts
After a 12 hour shift my knees are usually sore and tend to swell a bit, but lately it's been ridiculously painful and I've had to ice them at times. How do you stop or prevent this kind of pain? I'm tall and skinny with very knobby knees so I've always had issues, maybe certain exercises or compression sleeves might help?
1,677 Posts
Sounds like arthritis. See your PCP. Possibly an ortho consult.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
We can't give medical advice, but when my knees hurt wrapping them helped.
Have you tried compression panty hose?
Horseshoe, BSN, RN
5,879 Posts
As someone who is having my knee scoped this week after being diagnosed with problems per physical exam and MRI, I will advise you to see an ortho doc who specializes in knees. A little sore is one thing; swelling after every shift is not something you should just accept.
We can't diagnose you. But a doctor can. Good luck.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts Inc's Terms of Service forbids the exchange of medical advice for obvious reasons: the membership cannot diagnose you over the internet and/or suggest treatments without knowing the cause of your knee issues. Please see a physician or PCP to obtain the answers you seek. We hope your problem resolves soon.