How do you get medical experience?


Specializes in none.

I dont have any medical experience and I have been applying to jobs at our only hospital in town. So I went on an interview yesterday for a unit clerk position. He basically said he wouldnt be hiring me since he had other people with medical experience. The only thing that makes me mad is how am I supposed to get experience, if no one will give you a chance. I have considered taking the phlebotomy and CNA courses at the college, but I really dont want to stray off track since there are so many pre-reqs. Any advice would be helpful.

i'm in the Baltimore MD area and I'm in the same boat. I thinking about taking some certificate courses at the community college this spring. I've volunteered in the past, but I dont have anything related to the medical field on my resume.

Anyone have any advice how to get your foot in the door?


Getting your cna is not straying off track. The cna cert is actually required by some nursing schools and if you get a cna job you'll have patient care experience which a lot of nursing schools like to see on an application. The lab skills you learn will give you a useful frame of reference for lab skills in nursing school. I agree that it's hard to find time to get a cna cert when you are working ft and taking prereqs. I haven't been able to fit in a cna cert yet and probably won't have time before I start n-school.

Where you from? I ask because I am from Kansas and you don't have to have any courses to do phlebotomy. I have been working as a phelbotomist part-time for 2 years while I am completing my bachelor's degree, and I had no medical experience prior. The laboratory/hospital trained me.

I am taking a CNA course in the summer along with some other pre-req courses I'm taking. I think that's probably the best way to get medical experience.

Specializes in none.

I am in AZ and you have to have a certificate from the cc to do phlebotomy. Once you are in the nursing program after the first semester you can become a CNA, I am trying to take all my science classes as that is all I have left before I apply. They do not offer the phlebotomy or CNA courses in the summer otherwise I would take them then. :uhoh3:

I'll be starting my clinical work in the Fall and I'm finishing up my pre req classes now. I have been thinking about the problem of getting experience as well. Starting Feb 23, I'll be starting my EMT class. I'll have that by mid August and be able to provide BLS to get some experience. I've already been a firefighter for a couple years. I'm hoping the combination of my EMS experience will help with finding a job when I get my RN. i figure if I can go in with a couple years of EMS experience, it can't hurt.

I had no medical experience at all prior to nursing school and I went back to school at 36.

Some schools do require CNA training prior - mine didn't. My mentor, a wonderful nurse, told me not to do the CNA course over the summer prior to school as many others were doing. She said spend the summer enjoying your family because you will be very busy for the next two years.

The first thing I learned in school is basically CNA skills - bedmaking, turning patients, washing patients, etc. I also learned the concept of teamwork and always help the CNA's at work and appreciate them.

You don't have to have experience to become a good nurse.

You can - it doesn't hurt anything. But you do not have to.

I wish you the best!


I was in the same boat as you.. I did volunteer at two different hospitals and one nursing home. The experience you get working on the floors and with the nurses is priceless.. Then if you were to apply for a position where medical experience is needed you would talk about all the stuff that you do. Its frutsterating but the more you actually experience in different places the more you build up your resume..and are a lot more impressed with the fact that your volunteering.

Spidey's mom, I am so glad you posted your comment. I hav eno hospital or patient care experience and will be entering the program this Fall. I figure, they will teach me everythign I need to know so I might as well enjoy my summer. Am I wrong?

Specializes in ICU.

This is kind of how I feel. The only healthcare experience I had going into my pre-reqs was volunteering and that's still all I have done and I got accepted to an Accelerated BSN program. I think if you have the grades and your essay really explains your drive to become a nurse then the CNA is valuable if you have the time to get it but not necessary.

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