How would you feel?


How would you feel about camera's being everywhere in the work place? Or possibly state hired investigators being sent out to actually be hired and work for a time in nursing facilities in order to investigate or find violations? Do you think it is a good idea and is needed especially in LTC or do you believe it is a violation of our privacy? Of course if there were camera's that would be assuming that the patients/clients/residents had signed releases. I can't decide how I feel. IN one way I would feel violated if I scratched in an embarrassing way or did something embarrassing like that but on the other hand I think things look good on paper that are not really good in reality. So what do you all think and why?

Specializes in Everytype of med-surg.

I absolutely would not mind cameras at work if they were for the greater good (catching a suspected drug diverter, suspected abuse). However, it would infuriate me to discover cameras were up to catch nitpicky violations. 99.9% of nurses I have seen would never violate a policy just to be spiteful, most of us practice the way we do because that is what has to be done in the face of increasing demands and nursing shortages.

Specializes in pediatric and geriatric.

I think if a problem is being investigated fine, but in general no. Common areas would be a little different though since they are not private like resident rooms. I would hope signs would be posted for all to see since staff are not the only ones who have contact with residents. Getting all those releases signed would be hard. I bet half the employees would be in hot water depending on who is judging the tapes. Probably have to add a commitee for that too. In general I think it is a rotten idea. LTC has enough problems getting staff, just imagine how many people would not apply if they were told "Oh, by the way we tape you doing your job."

Specializes in Med-Surg/Peds/O.R./Legal/cardiology.

I don't know how it could be done legally. There have been so many times that I've wished for video/audio tapes when the staff is being abused by docs, pts., and visitors, as well as fellow employees. I believe it would be the only way admin. would have a CLUE of what we nurses endure.

If not cameras, what about the nurses hired by the state to see how things are actually being done?

any one remember "1984"......

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I know I would never take that job! I cant imagine having to pretend to be a "normal" nurse and spying on all my coworkers. Sounds miserable.

Specializes in Dialysis, Nephrology & Cosmetic Surgery.

I have nothing to hide so I would not mind.

Also as someone who was nearly assaulted by an angry relative who then made allegations against me I was relieved to find out that the hospital foyer were the final part of the verbal assault took place had cameras and was able to see him and confirm the truth.

Specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.
I have nothing to hide so I would not mind.

Also as someone who was nearly assaulted by an angry relative who then made allegations against me I was relieved to find out that the hospital foyer were the final part of the verbal assault took place had cameras and was able to see him and confirm the truth.

That's precisely why I agree with them. The more of this that the administration sees the better, and perhaps some of it may be publicised in the media?

Who cares if someone sees us picking our noses or scratching our behinds (God forbid!) ... they'll just get a bit of a giggle for the day, and we ourselves will be none the wiser. I'm not sure I agree with private investigators though, cameras are pretty objective, whereas private investigators cannot record everything, and will be acting on the behalf of the person they are employed by anyhow.


Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

I work ER and there are cameras everywhere!! Of course this is more of a security issue with us,.but the tapes are often used to show that "no your husband didn't wait in the waiting room for 2 hours before anyone even acknowledged he was there,.or yes you did slap that nurse!" When I first transferred to ER I felt kind of strange about the cameras,.but I don't even notice them now.

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