Published Mar 27, 2006
432 Posts
Any good tips? I cannot do coffee, but I have been so tired lately!
100 Posts
You are going to think is strange, but when it happens to me, I find that drinking LOTS of water really helps....I think deyhydration can really sneak up on us...try it.
Wow! Thanks, I will try it tonight!
543 Posts
Lots of sleep on off days.
832 Posts
If you can't handle coffee, do the Dew! Mt. Dew is a great pick-me-up.
312 Posts
I and mountain dew do it for me. If I am sick (cold) day quil works. If I have a headache I like excedrin (sp?) it has caffine in it too!
296 Posts
Water, water, water. Great answer. On days I don't take my water, I feel almost a *panic* to get some water on my way home.
The other Divvy up your daily allowances into little portions eaten every 2-3 hours while awake. Since I've started doing this, along with increased water intake, I've had a remarkable increase in my energy levels. At first it was hard to find the time to make myself go eat something, but it has now become a habit. I skip the traditional 30 minute lunch break altogether, and instead dash into the break room every 2-3 hours and eat half a sandwich, a container of yogurt, piece of fruit, etc., along with a glass of milk. Others on my unit are beginning to do the same after seeing the difference in my energy levels.
194 Posts
I used to try and take a few minutes to walk briskly or do some stairs. Sometimes that would help. Nothing made up for continued nights of work w/ insufficient sleep, though.
Blee O'Myacin, BSN, RN
721 Posts
But the water and the eating are also key to surviving those loooooong shifts when everyone else gets to be sick but you.
If you are too sick to work, then call out. I hate when my coworkers show up sick and contagious!! I'd rather work a nurse short than have a coworker suffer through the shift, cough all over the phone, etc.!
Hope you are feeling better soon!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I recently went back to 3 12's in a very busy ER (read: no breaks!). It is horrendous! Anyway, I sneak into the breakroom when I can grab a minute to gulp my water - I go through several bottles a shift. I also bring yoghurt and applesauce in small containers and cheese/meat too. I use these too as little pick-me-ups. I'm not as young as I used to be and 12 1/2 hours w/o a break day after day is not easy. Is there any way you could go to 10's or 8's?
20,964 Posts
good nutrition
plenty of rest when you are off
a good hobby/means to relax and cut loose.
a real life outside nursing
all critical.
88 Posts
Make sure to exercise and eat well. Now, if I can only practice what I preach.