Published May 12, 2014
25 Posts
Hi. I'm a brand new RN working nights on a telemetry med-surg unit. Just started off on my own. I know there are a handful of topics on this particular subject. But I just wanted to share a particular experience I had last night calling a doctor regarding a patient, and wanted to hear how some of you would've handled this. If there is anything I need to work on, it is my assertive skills.
So I called the doctor. And it went like this...
Me: Hi Dr _____. This is ____ from _____. I'm calling in regards to a patient, _____ from room ______ who came in w/ _______. Are you familiar with him??
Dr: If you ask me that question again, I will beat your head!!! Are you stupid? Didn't you see my name on the board!? Don't you dare ask me that. Just get straight to the #^#/ point.
Of course, I apologized. Then continued and so forth, just trying to get to the point while he still rambled on. I suppose it was a dumb question. I mean, I'm still figuring all the things in the hospital and Doctor names, who is on call/who covers who, who is private - just still figuring how everything works and so forth. But still, I felt that was just a bit overboard. Yes he is a private doctor; and maybe it was a dumb thing I asked (I always ask "are you familiar with this patient" with every greeting to determine the familiarity and how much background history to provide - maybe I shouldn't ask that).
Well, at least I got orders... and I got to finally make the patient comfortable (he was ETOH withdrawal) I know that some angry or irritated doctors will just hang up or say whatever and leave you like "Huh?"
I don't know. Afterward, and even still now, I feel kind of bad. Even feel intimidated if I have to to speak to him again. I asked some of my coworkers their opinion, and apparently they weren't too surprised and told me he usually bickers about petty things such as so. What do you guys think? How do you handle angry or rude doctors or coworkers? Any advice to someone too soft like me. Thanks :)
940 Posts
Yeah, s/he was RUDE. But that's not your problem. It isn't right, but drs are notorious for hanging up, being rude, etc. You're not the first, and you won't be the last. What you said -- the wording -- could have come across as condescending... probably not your intention, but still. Just dust it off. Like it didn't happen and keep on keepin on (doin your job)
36 Posts
Wow, his reaction was COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE. IMO, you didn't owe him an apology, he owed you one. "I will beat your head." Uh, that's a threat. What a d-bag...and his professionalism earns a gold star.
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
Wow. That doctor was Rude and Inappropriate. I would have reported him. He demeaned and threatened to do you harm. You may not think it does any good, but the more nurses continue to report the jerk, the more the Dr. realizes the nurses aren't going to tolerate that way of being spoken to. The only thing you did wrong was apologize to that rude behavior. He doesn't deserve it, but you stayed professional throughout the entire conversation.
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
That needs to be reported.
Thank you guys for your replies :) This incident has kinda struck me for a bit. I just wish I could've stand up for myself and handled it better, but I was just taken back. It was just one of those instances where you kinda freeze and don't know how to respond, since it just came out of nowhere and wasn't expected, and then think about it later and finally come up with things you should've said or done to handle the situation better. One of my downfalls is that I'm just way too soft and too passive and tend to not say anything to rude remarks. But I hear that as time continues though, that'll change. I'm working on it, it's coming along slowly - just gotta learn to say stop when things are unnecessary. :)
I'm glad to know that I'm not alone here. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and advice - it's really helpful. I truly appreciate it :)
Most people would be stunned and at a loss for words when talked to like that. Maybe the others are right in that you should report it. The 'ill beat your head in' statement is really, really creepy. But, like I said keep doing your job. That wacko, report it or not, but keep on keepin on;)
Thank you for the encouraging words :) Yeah. I felt the comment where he threatened to "beat my head" was a bit uncalled for - totally didn't see that coming :/. There were a few cranky doctors I've called - but never went to the extent that this one did. But, from what I hear from my coworkers, this isn't exactly new. He's yelled at many of the staff on the unit I work on. I don't know if anyone has brought it up to management yet. Maybe, maybe not. Calling doctors is very nerve wrecking - especially at night - but it's necessary for patient care; that, and most of them I called and talked to were nice, patient, and helpful.
But yeah. No matter where you go, there's always going to be jerks. Just keep on swimming. Keep on swimming. As long as I can keep my patients safe and help them get better - those are the most important tasks to do :]
27 Posts
Report him for sure. No one should ever be spoken to like that.
SunshineDaisy, ASN, RN
1,295 Posts
Ugh, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I dislike calling doctors at night, am always a little skerred*L* But they are generally pleasant to me. I dunno what'd I'd do if I had one like that!
1,381 Posts
Calling Drs is a necessary evil. I never apologize when they are rude, they decided to become doctors so they signed up for it.
I don't understand the need to be rude. We can't order something that is not a standing order. They know this. not our fault pts have problems all hours of the night!