How can I gracefully and tactfully say No?

Nursing Students LPN-RN


I am in a Lpn to Rn program that I'd pretty fast paced, each semester is 10 weeks long. Anywho, I finished my care plan which took me 2 days to do and handed it in in time. One of my classmate just asked me if she can have my care plan when the teacher gives it back to me. Evidently to copy from it. I'm very upset as it took a lot of time and effort for me to complete for my classmate to just have it handed on her lap. I don't want to be mean but how can I gracefully say no? I dodged around her question and said "if she even gives it back." I feel bad with her issues, a family member of hers just died and she is planning the funeral. But cheating is cheating and I just don't think it's fair for her to just copy my work.

Sorry for the tone of the post. Memorial Day makes me crazy. Flashbacks of the Great State of Louisiana. I start seeing Cajuns and hearing banjo music. Sorry.

And what's wrong with that? (said while wiping boiled crawfjsh fat from my chin.). Cajuns here play fiddle and accordion more than banjo.

Specializes in none.
And what's wrong with that? (said while wiping boiled crawfjsh fat from my chin.). Cajuns here play fiddle and accordion more than banjo.

If you were a Yankee in the Sixties and you mention U.S. Grants name---You were dead.

I was just suspicious because even though I was from Jersey and talked funny, I knew Gen. Robert E. Lee's horse was Traveller and Stonewall Jackson's horse was Little Sorrel. So I was kind of safe and the Cajuns. After six or seven Lone Star Beers fiddles sounded like banjos.

Gosh, this thread is depressing. I can't believe people actually get away with this stuff. Any who, to the OP, I feel bad you are in the middle of it (because you knowing about it does put you in the middle of it). I myself am sometimes a timid person so in this case I would need some advice.

I like the idea of an anonymous note. Maybe someone could make an example of something the OP could give the dean/administrator/professor. Its really not fair for all of us who have worked SO hard in school to have people just cheat their way through.

Even if I'm not in the same school as you, it affects every nurse when/if she graduates. She is harming the reputation of the profession of nursing. Not to mention possibly hurting someone in the process.

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