How can I get CM experience?

Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!

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Dear Nurse Beth,

How can I get Case Management experience? I've done some MDS in the past at a Subacute/LTC facility. I'm looking to transition from home care supervision. Thank you.

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Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Looking to Transition,

It's that old challenging problem of how to gain experience when no one will give you a job to gain experience.

It takes perseverance.

Your background in subacute, home health and experience on the Medicare side with MDS  make you sound competent with a solid foundation.

Register on or another job site and type "case management" and "utilization review" in the search field, as they are related. You will begin to get a good idea of qualifications.

Apply to large insurance companies. If there is a local chapter of the Case Management Society of America (, attend it to start networking. Don't worry about certification until you have worked in the field for a few years.

Stay with it, apply, apply and apply! Remember, every RN case manager started looking for their first job just like you.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth

Specializes in Home Care Case Manager.

thank you very much!