Published May 22, 2012
402 Posts
So I can not believe I have an interview... I am unbelievably excited! It is in the district I want!! It is a hard job to get, so I would like to prepare in every way. I have interviewed for a position twice before (in different districts last year.. but did not have enough experience then), so I am somewhat familiar with what will be asked. But any other advise, tips would be SOOOO welcomed :)
Also, how do (or did) you all answer this question: Why do you want to work as a School Nurse?
I have many reasons.. some are the schedule, time off, with having children it works out great. But also the autonomy, working with children, being able to teach things, seeing how the children learn from what you teach them, still being hands on but working in a more office like environment (which I enjoy)... there are more reasons I'm sure. I just would like to stay away from mentioning the schedule/time off... I'm pretty sure they already know that part
So how did you answer that question?
14 Posts
Be honest!
tell them you really like working with children and any experience that you have working with children. Also that you would enjoy helping children learn about healthy choices and any ideas you may have for doing so
Nurse ABC
437 Posts
Everything you said sounds good. You have to like working with kids to be good at this job so make sure you say that for sure. Promoting wellness in your school with the staff is always looked upon favorably as well (by things like blood pressure screenings, wellness programs, healthy newsletters, etc). You want to make sure your students are healthy and able to be in school as much as possible through wellness promotion with students, working with families that have any chronic problems such as lice, and collaborating with teachers, doctors, and parents regarding any health issues the student may have. Tell them you remain calm under pressure and can think on your feet for any emergencies. Also, teaching is a big part and you mentioned that so I think you're good to go! Just be yourself! Good luck!
400 Posts
stress your desire to work autonomously and your great skills as a problem solver. Mention that you know where to go to answer questions that you might be unsure of--like your state school nurse consultant, your local health dept, any other nurses in the district if there are any. Use the phrase "evidence based" in making decisions. Look everyone in the eye and let your sparkling personality shine through! Good luck and let us all know how it turns out.
Thanks so much for the responses! I hope I can show how much I really want this, and that I can be good at it. I know there will be SOOO much to learn, but I learn quickly and know how to use my resources. I will definitely update after the interview. If you guys can think of anything else that would help, please comment :) If I have more questions, I will definitely post!
Britrn04, BSN, MSN, RN
67 Posts
I would also stress that you want a change, challenge and new perspective on nursing. Read lots before the interview to be sure you understand the role. I had a lot of scenario questions; some were very specific to school nursing and if I did not know the answer I would show how I would problem solve. Best of luck!
Could you give me some examples of scenario questions you had? You could PM me if you'd like. Thanks :)
100kids, BSN, RN
878 Posts
I had a lot of scenario questions in my interview as well. I also think a lot of their questions they were more interested in "fit" for their culture than straight forward knowledge. Just be yourself and answer honestly. Good luck!
Scenario questions I had were things like what would you do if you had a diabetic student feeling low, another student passed out and a teacher yelling at you to run to their room because it was an emergency all at the same time (which has never happened all at once btw) to see how you would triage. How would you handle a parent who was yelling and screaming at you about an issue. How would you promote wellness with the staff. How would you handle an issue with a teacher where you felt you were right. Things like that.
Scenario questions mainly related to how you would multi task.....I got: a diabetic 1st grader with BS of 60, while 2nd grader on the playground has fallen from the monkey bars and is unresponsive...what would you do? Kid comes in with a fever of 101 and parent is unable to come to school and pick them up...would you send them back to class? What would you do? They were not difficult questions, but kind of threw me coming from a hospital environment where you have everything at your disposal/fingertips. I got the job, so I did ok. Like I said, just show how you could problem solve, use resources while staying within nurse practice acts and school/district policies.
S/1011-I can't send you any messages-it says your box is too full! Sorry! You can look up on the internet interview questions and example answers-there's lots on there. Yes, the summers off are wonderful. It does help and I don't think I could ever leave this field for good because I'd really miss working with the kids. Good luck!