Horror stories about College Network


Just read a ton of negative stuff about College Network and the whole ISU LPN to BSN program. Does anyone have any positive or negative feedback? Im upset about it all now. Just saying its all a scam for money and no one honors the education and that TCN is all worthless and has lawsuits. Idk what to think.

What it boils down to is that a person can enroll in and complete distance nursing programs at Excelsior or ISU without getting involved with any of the publishing companies like TCN. Why pay thousands of dollars to TCN when you can use other resources to study for the necessary exams or buy TCN's study guides off ebay for $30 or less apiece? It doesn't make sense for most people. Nothing to get upset about. Be glad that you were able to read about this stuff before you made a decision to sign a contract with TCN.

wow, so I was totally thinking about TCN after I finished my LPN next year. Any other suggestions? I liked the idea that you can take exams and get equivalent credits (this was my understanding). I had kids when I was 19, so I didn't get a good start in college. I only have 12 credits which i believe expire after 7 years (guess what, it's been 7 years) So when my instructor told me about TCN being accredited, I was so excited. This seemed like the best route for me. Now i'm hesitant after hearing this.

So when my instructor told me about TCN being accredited, I was so excited. This seemed like the best route for me. Now i'm hesitant after hearing this.

TCN is not "accredited" because TCN is not a school -- it's a publishing company that publishes study materials that they sell to help you complete courses at schools that are accredited.

Another important way that TCN differs from actual schools (that TCN doesn't want you to think about) is that schools operate on a "pay as you go" system in which you pay the tuition for each quarter or semester as you take it -- if you stop attending the school at any point, you don't have to pay for any future courses. Dealing with TCN is not like that -- you're not enrolling in a school, you're buying a product, same as buying a car or major appliance. You sign a legally binding contract up front to buy their entire series of study modules. If something happens later on that prevents you from continuing in the program, or you decide to pursue another path in life, or you just decide you don't need or like their study materials, you are still obligated to pay for the entire series of modules -- same as, if you buy a car and decide a year later that you don't need or want that car anymore, you can't just stop making the payments; you are still obligated for the full cost of the car, and too bad for you.

I encourage you to think v. carefully and consider all your options before heading down the TCN road. As caliotter already noted, you do not need TCN (or any other publishing company "middle man") to complete the EC or ISU programs (although the publishing companies certainly want you to think that you do).

Specializes in LTC/Rehab, ICF/MR, Mental Health.

I didn't pay for my whole set of classes when I started with my Lpn to BSN. I paid for a few classes and will pay as I go. They might tell you you have to pay for them all but you don't. Now that I've learned I don't need the study guides from them I'll be buying off eBay or just studying on my own without buying their modules.

Just read a ton of negative stuff about College Network and the whole ISU LPN to BSN program. Does anyone have any positive or negative feedback? Im upset about it all now. Just saying its all a scam for money and no one honors the education and that TCN is all worthless and has lawsuits. Idk what to think.[/QUOTE]

Everything other posters have written it true. Essentially, TCN is providing the person with CLEP information and TCN gives CLEP exams, which ISU will accept. You can get CLEP studyguides and information for a fraction of the cost that TCN charges--just google CLEP.

However, TCN does have some uses. For those people who have money and have no other way to take the prerequisite classes, those students pay for the opportunity. However, few colleges/universities beyond ISU accept TCN classes.

Something that is not well known: when you get involved with ISU you are also getting involved with TCN. Also, there is an TCN employee who posts to this site. This person has never applied to ISU, taken any ISU courses or exams, is not a nursing student or nurse, but posts information about ISU and TCN. I do wish TCN and ISU employees would identify themselves when posting on this site.

Further, I posted the following information on another ISU thread: ISU has just instituted a policy of adding into the tuition the cost of some classes the cost of E-books. This means, even if you prefer to use a regular book, you are going to pay for the cost of an E-book.

Here is the rationale for and against E-books: Studying for hours and hours employing the computer and E-books can be very fatiguing and possibly cause eye damage. The student must have a computer or tablet available to study. Additionally, if the student buys a hard cover book, the student can buy used and compare book prices among the online companies. However, the E-book can be updated once the student buys it.

What is disturbing to me is ISU is taking away the student's right to decide on buying a hard cover or an E-book. If this E-book price is added to tuition, it may not be long before the nursing department starts increasing the cost of the 4 challenge exams by including the cost of the expensive ISU-written but TCN-published study guides. Plus, the nursing department could require that all their students use E-books.

The issue is this: why is ISU making students buy E-books when it is the student's decision which book to buy. Seems as if there is some kind of "deal" with ISU and the E-book publishing companies--what other explanation could there be?

I didn't pay for my whole set of classes when I started with my Lpn to BSN. I paid for a few classes and will pay as I go. They might tell you you have to pay for them all but you don't. Now that I've learned I don't need the study guides from them I'll be buying off eBay or just studying on my own without buying their modules.

I doubt you can buy ISU stuy guides off Ebay. Many have tried. If you need the 4 challenge exam study guides, ISU will provide you with the information that has to be covered, suggestons of books to read, an you make your own study guide as you study---and the cost is -- FREE. Each year the ISU/TCN studyguides are updates so even if you were able to find a study guide on EBay, it may not be current.

Just read a ton of negative stuff about College Network and the whole ISU LPN to BSN program. Does anyone have any positive or negative feedback? Im upset about it all now. Just saying its all a scam for money and no one honors the education and that TCN is all worthless and has lawsuits. Idk what to think.

Hi Maliboo3905, I'm doing TCN route. I don't mind paying the cost for the classes only bc I do get tuition assistant from work. If I didn't have that, I probably would be going the community college route.

I actually like how TCN set up their modules. Straight forward info with many quizzes and exams to practice on. Of course, I've bought other types of books to help me out that I purchased either on eBay or amazon. You can even access the classes on nooks and/or kindles. Not apple products. I'm actually learning a lot from these classes. It's also not my first time doing online classes so I kinda know how my studying schedule should be.

Honestly, the price doesn't phase me. I understand it's not a accredited college and that they're a publishing company. However, they help you SO much. There is a lot of support. You can now take the tests at home. They send you a webcam and they proctor you from wherever you are. As a full time working mom with 2 kids, 2 years old and under (and still nursing my infant), the flexibility with TCN and ISU online classes is totally worth it's weight in gold. I'm also really lucky that I work 12hr shifts/3 days a week. My kids have just recently been sick back to back. It's been like a month of my kids being sick and I was able to study during their naps and bedtime. If I was in school, I would have to be absent and missed a whole lot of information. I probably would have been dropped. Also with community colleges, I'm limited to how many classes I can take in a 16 week semester. With my situation, I could probably only do 2 maybe 3 classes and find a babysitter. By using the TCN modules, I can test out in subjects every 2-3 months, some 1 month depending how fast I go and save money on babysitting. I have no prereqs so I'm doing ALL my classes through TCN. In the end, with TCN costs and ISU costs, I'll be paying about $30k for my BSN. Since my work will be paying about half, it's really about $15K for me, not to mention what kind of financial aid I can get from my FAFSA.

Totally worth it's weight in gold. Right now, I am only paying $140 a month for the 12 modules I bought from TCN. These are the 12 classes that are required before I can apply to ISU's program. After that, I have to purchase more modules and yes, my monthly will go up, but that's ok. I just look at it as a car payment.

I have lots of good things to say about TCN. But just remember TCN is just a tool to help you pass the test so you can get credit. You have to be self motivate and very disciplined for this to work. Studying at home is not easier. If you're a single person with the only responsibility is yourself, go to a college, but for me, I'm the bread winner in my family and the benefits out weigh the bad. Private message me if you like more info about TCN. To each, their own!

Specializes in clinical setting,MS,ER,Short Stay.

Agreed,I work full-time and I have to push myself to do it..its worth it,don't have time to sit in a class room right now

Specializes in operating room, surgical services.

Hello Caliotter3,

Are you in the ISU LVN-BSN program and if so, were you able to find clinical sites in So Cal?

Good luck to you all.

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