Published Jun 30, 2011
cherrybreeze, ADN, RN
1,405 Posts
Hi all,
I know there are SO many people here in the same position I'm in as far as looking for a job, but I'd appreciate any good vibes sent my way!
I was terminated from my job in April due to what was a false accusation (it's a long story and I won't go in to it, but I have not yet entirely gotten over my anger about the whole was a SHADY situation that ultimately, I couldn't do anything about). I've had a few interviews in the last few weeks, the most recent was last week Monday.
I would REALLY love to get this job. To most nurses, honestly, it probably would sound boring as's a more administrative type of position with an insurance company. However, it would fit ME perfectly. This was also the one interview that I both a) was NOT nervous about going in, and I can be a nervous person! and b) had a really good feeling about, both before and after it. I hope I can trust that gut feeling. The two people I interviewed with were VERY nice, and impressed with my background. I did opt to explain to them the situation with my previous employer, because in the end, I think trying to be "vague" or talk "around" it would look worse. I tried to read their body language and tone AFTER I got done talking about it, and I didn't pick up on anything negative. The woman thanked me for telling them the story, saying that I didn't have to and that she appreciated my honesty (I said I thought it was better to put everything on the table and have an open, honest discussion about it, and she said she agreed). I acknowledged that talking about it I might be shooting myself in the foot (it was a serious allegation, and even though it was not true, I know how it sounds), but thought full disclosure was the best approach.
I won't hear anything until the end of next week, and I will be crossing my fingers and praying until then! My friends and family have been extremely supportive of me through everything, and have said that maybe being terminated was actually a blessing in disguise, and that I would end up somewhere where I was truly happy. I hope they are right!
Thanks for letting me share, it feels good to get that out!
(Sorry to be vague here about the circumstances; it's a long story and I just would rather not get in to it )
wooh, BSN, RN
1 Article; 4,383 Posts
Good luck on the job. I think you handled the interview well. I've always felt interviews that I've had where I was upfront about anything "negative" went better than ones that were all 100% positive. I feel like having something negative to talk about shows wisdom, resillience, etc.
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
I'm sorry to hear you were screwed but happy to see you are looking outside of bedside (I am considering some stuff as well). Heck I was corporate before nursing, and I have always wondered about combining the two. I seem to have missed the good times for nursing "back in the good days" like 8 years ago as nurses refer to them on this board. I truly believe those days are gone for longer than I will wait for them to return.
587 Posts
+ vibes n prayers sent your way. I support you in being honest and open. Helps to tell them what you learned from it (if there's a positive way to say trust no one!)
Thanks for the support, I appreciate it!
I went back and forth in my head a LOT over how to handle the subject of my termination, and just couldn't think of a good way to avoid it that didn't sound like I had something to I figured, if I laid it out on the table, they would know I wasn't trying to. You never know what they might hear at SOME point in time, so better to be upfront...I hope!
Onaclearday, I totally agree with you.......the good old days are gone for me, and I really wasn't happy where I was working, haven't been for a while. While this was NOT the push I would have chosen to find something else, I can only pray that in the end, it'll all work out!
SummerGarden, BSN, MSN, RN
3,376 Posts
Heck I was corporate before nursing, and I have always wondered about combining the two.
It is a great combo. If you have a chance, find a job in nursing that combines the two!!! There is some drama but NOTHING like bedside nursing!!! For the most part it is very professional and the nurses you work with focus on +++++outcomes.
I seem to have missed the good times for nursing "back in the good days" like 8 years ago as nurses refer to them on this board.
Yes, by bedside only.
Hi all,I won't hear anything until the end of next week, and I will be crossing my fingers and praying until then! My friends and family have been extremely supportive of me through everything, and have said that maybe being terminated was actually a blessing in disguise, and that I would end up somewhere where I was truly happy. I hope they are right!
Good luck to you!!! I hope you get the job too. Relax and try not to worry over the weekend.
217 Posts
:heartbeatGood Luck!:heartbeat