hopefuly a nurse one day


hi,im considering trying to get into nursing school but am concerned with the state board alowing me to be licensed due to my background check.I hve a misdemenor on my record , so what im afraid of if i go threw all the class work and not be able to get licensed , is there anyway i could find out threw the state board if this misdamenor will disqualify me?

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

It's interesting that you ask this. I was just looking at the California Board of Nursing web site over the weekend and found information on this. They mention that the board of nursing (in California) gets a lot of questions about this. In California there is no specific law prohibiting a person from getting licensed as an RN if they have a criminal record, but the board does retain the right to review each case individually. So, you should check out the web site of your state board of nursing and see if this is addressed in the nurse practice act or on their web site. In general, and this is generally, if you have a felony and/or have served a prison sentence you are on shaky ground with getting a license. Some state boards are careful about people with substance abuse arrests or misdemeanors involving any kind of violence or child molesting getting a license. You may just have to be in limbo about this. The California board is very clear about not making any decisions on a case like yours until you apply for licensure. There are a number of health care professions that do not restrict entry into them due to past crimes or misdemeanors. The fact of the matter is this may be answered for you soon enough as some hospitals in which students do their clinicals require a criminal background check on every student before they can set foot in their hospital and do any kind of patient care.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

here is the link to the iowa bon:

iowa board of nursing

riverpoint business park

400 s.w. 8th street

suite b

des moines, ia 50309-4685

Hi there-

I too, have a similar situation. Different though, because of the time frame. I had a dui about 14 years ago, and have been paranois about how that would affect licensure. I finally talked to my advisor at school, and he laughed at me. Told me "If every nurse in Idaho who had a dui on their record wasn't allowed to be licensed then we'd have to kick out half of each class!"

Course, it will still come up on the applications, but he told me I had nothing to worry about because of the age. Where you've only had a couple years past that, it might be different, but as long as you are clean otherwise, I would bet they won't hassle you too much. Where I live there is a possibility that I will have to go plead my case with the BON first, but I'm told it is largely a formality. Hope this helps.

Your best bet is to contact your state Board of Nursing and discuss your situation with them -- their answer is the only one that counts! Situations of criminal convictions of any kind are handled on a case-by-case basis, with all relevant factors taken into account, so you can't safely make an assumption about your status based on the experience of anyone here.

It is important that you be open and honest with the BON -- if they find out later that you weren't fully truthful with them, that will be worse for you than whatever your present situation is. That, in itself (lying to the BON), can be grounds for denying or withdrawing a license.

Best wishes!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
hi. im considering going to nursing school here in nebraska.problem is i have a misdemenor dui on my record i got in Missouri 2 years ago and am wondering if this will affect me getting into a nursing program ;and will the state board allow me to get licensed.?Should i contact them before i get into school?Will they tell me anything? i would apreciate any feedback......thanks

Hi the only one who is capable to answer your question accurately is your state's Board of Nursing. Each case is seen as an individual basis and they should be able to tell you whether it will affect you or not.

Good luck

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.

You need to contact the BON and get their input.

Virtually ALL BONs handle these issues on a case by case basis, based on the individual circumstances and their own state laws. Anything that we tell you here would simply be conjecture.

Feel free to use the "search" option at this BB. You will find hundreds (possibly thousands) of threads regarding this issue, all with basically the same answer.

Good Luck!

Yes, you should contact your state board. You can check the internet for your state's nursing board.

Most nursing schools require a criminal background check before admission.

This eliminates students from gaining the education they need to be a nurse, but being denied a license.

It is worth the research. Best of luck to you!

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