Hi all, please help for NCLEX pn pharmacology


Hi all !! Please is there anyone could tell me how to study or memorize pharmacology for NCLEX PN ?? I m about to take NCLEX in two months.. Pharmacology really stresses me a lot !!! Please !!

And also Saunders and Kaplan which one is better for PN test? I already have Saunders and their online questions.

Don't just focus on Pharm.. Focus on all the topics of NCLEX. I used ATI (provided by my school), NCSBN (also provided by my school), Kaplan book (which I liked better than Saunders), Saunders book & the NCLEX Mastery app. I studied 4-6hrs./day for 2 months until I took my exam. I passed with just 85Q. Best of luck to you! By the way, you cannot memorize anything. UNDERSTAND IT. Memorizing won't get you anywhere. Know what you're studying and keep reviewing if you can't grasp it.

I used saunders and nclex 3500 questions ONLY. I was able to pass the test on 85q!

I didn't study specifically what EACH DRUG does cause that is torture. So what I did is just get a general idea of all the endings mean.

-Statin = lower cholesterol

-prils = ace inhibitors

- lol = beta blocker

- cin = antibiotic

etc etc.

Thank you so much !!

hii simple way ::

Youtube: Nurse Michael Linares

he is SUPER cool and helped me "memorize/remember" everything pharm related

I used saunder and exam cram pn and also passed with 85q. I focused more on other subjects rather than pharmacology... Study the most common ones you learned in nursing school. Don't worry too much about pharm..good luck!

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