Hi folks I need help in coming up 5 nursing diagnosis for a Pt with sepsis


I need 5 nursing diagnosis and 1 of them has to be psychosocial. The pt has Sepsis with a chief complaint of tachycardia. VS BP 131/72, P 117, O2 sat 100(pt was on a ventilator), RR 22. Pt's arms and legs have ulcers. sacral area also has ulcers.. Pt is NPO, tracheostomy with a stage 2 ulcer. has Hx COPD, C Diff, renal insuffiency, CHF.

I know there's a risk for infection but i'm not sure how to relate it to.

Help me out here folks..Thanks a lot.

sorry for the typo.

Specializes in Private Practice- wellness center.

I don't mean to sound snarky, but you don't know what to relate infection to for a pt with sepsis? You can look down the list of what you put and name something different for each one and have your five there.

As for your psychosocial...think of how you would feel in that given situation.

No one minds helping out, but to out and out do the homework for you...maybe list what you have already and I'd be willing to help. :D

Do you mean you don't know "how" to relate it to infection (as in the phrasing) or do you mean you don't know "what" the infection is related to?

Sorry. I couldn't be sure what you meant.

Do you understand what sepsis is?

It's complicated, but look it up.

If you were asking how to phrase it... "Infection r/t ________ aeb________".

What's causing infection and list the evidence you see.

If you were asking what was causing the infection... well... you have the answer in your very own post.

Can you send us a completed diagnosis? We could help you better.

Also, if you are stuck for NDs in general, I always did this:

Start from the top of the ND list and work your way down.

Stop at each one and ask yourself, "Is there any way this fits my pt?"

Use it, even if it is only a possibility... or a risk.

Not only will you learn the ND list in no time, but you won't miss a single ND!

The ND list isn't very long so this is a good way, I have found, to do it.

Sorry I wasn't too clear on my statements. Anyway I came up Impaired skin integrity r/t skin destruction or prolonged bedrest or nutrition (Pt is on NPO) aeb by ulcers on all four extremeties and sacral area. which r/t is a better choice.

I said I was confused with the risk for infection but I came up with this, risk for infection r/t invasive procedures and malnutrition as evidenced by low protein and albumin serum levels from lab results.

risk for imbalanced fluid deficit r/t weeping leg ulcers or risk for imbalanced fluid deficit secondary to weeping ulcers (which is better).

Anymore suggestion will be greatly appreciated

Please read about sepsis.

You are also missing an obvious source of infection.

Are you sure about it being only a "risk"?

What source of infection are you talking about? Is it the bacteria infection that causes the system wide infections? Please help clarify this for me.

I second reading through the list and seeing if you can support them as valid.

Also, its hard to say, not knowing your instructors, since each wants things differently.

I have found it helpful to rely on the general related factors listed in your reference (ours was doenges) and specify patient specifics in parenthesis.

Also, risk diagnosis do not have AEBs. And we have been told that if a pt is experiencing infection, risk for infection is appropriate only if there is a distinct different potential infection source.

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

Think about the body's single biggest defense against infection. Once you figure that out you can apply it to your patient.

Hint: If you get poop on your arm why do you not get an infection or septic?

If your patient is septic than they are already infected, so they really aren't a "risk" anymore. As someone else suggested, read up on sepsis and you should be able to get tons of information to help you.

Thank you very much

I was just re-reading the OP's original post and I couldn't help thinking "Wow! That is an awesome care plan/learning pt!" lol

OP: theses pts (with 10,000 other issues going on) are actually the most "fun" (or less tedious!) to do NDs and care plans on because they have so much going on, you could use just about any ND you can find and apply it.

You fit all the pieces together like a puzzle... and I loved interpreting labs and how they fit into the picture. It's fun (usually) if you let it be.

Good luck OP and take advantage of what this pt has to offer.

Specializes in ER, progressive care.

as stated, you cannot have a risk of infection diagnosis if the patient is already septic...they already have an infection, and a pretty bad one at that!

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