Published Jan 20, 2007
547 Posts
Hey girlies, what did you think of your very first week of NS??? Tell us!!! Aren't you happy to be there??!! You must be so excited. Do tell.
12 Posts
YES! Do tell! I will hopefully be starting in the fall so I wanna hear all about it. :wink2:
211 Posts
It is going great!! It is very exciting, very overwhelming and a lot of info to absorb. I cannot go in to depth as I don't have much time to write. I am happy to be in the program, but am on overload mode right now. I have 3 quizzes next week and heavy studying. I can't speak for the other students, but I survived my first week. It is a totally different road we are going down now. This isn't English class anymore. How is it going for you MySimplePlan??
It's going very well for me, thanks you for asking. I'm in my second semester now, and it doesn't seem so bad as I'm used to the pace. it seems I was always on edge that whole first semester, thinking for sure that THIS will be the assignment that will get me kicked out of the program, LOL. Now, I have more confidence in myself and the way the program runs, so there are fewer surprises, and I'm aware of the amount of studying required. Plus, I change courses at the end of 7 weeks; we didn't do that first semester, so I love knowing this class and this teacher and this hospital is only about another 5 weeks long. Better than 16 weeks of the same thing.
My motto is 'first things first"....don't worry about the whole program, just worry about what is due that week and get it done in order or due date or test date. Do the best job you can on it and worry about that big hairy deadline after you have completed your immediate work. This has served me well.
Also, keep in mind that many before you have done it, and dad gum it, you can too. Utilize your instructors; most are very cool and WANT to help you.
Finally, never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up on yourself. Never throw in the towel on a test because you think you didn't prepare enough. Do your very best on everything. Don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of your goal....not your kids, their teacher, your mother, and especially the people who answer the phones at WCCCD. You can do this!
Great job to all of you...I am finally in my last semester at WCCCD and I have 14 weeks and counting to count down to that final Final...It has taken such dedication to get to this point but I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel...I knew nothing about nursing coming into this so don't feel like your the only one..No one will understand what it is like to be a nursing student except for your other school mates...My family just rolls their eyes at me now when I start getting overwhelmed and screaming "But, Nobody understands what I am going through" They just don't get that it's like boot camp. Just be confident and say I will get through this..I don't work (which I think decreases my stress level compared to some of my friends who do) which allows me the time to be a partial mother (Oh the guilt with the kids is the worst feeling, but long term it pays off) and a full-time student. I am kind of jealous with the experience they are getting working, but in time I tell myself I will have the same oppertunities...It is normal to feel high anxiety, nausea, stomach cramps, extreme sweating when attending your clinicals... last semester I almost quit because I was physically ill everyday I had clinicals..I lost 10 pounds because my stomach was so upset I just couldn't eat (not that I minded the weight loss). I am okay this semester the first week of the unknown was scary, but I really like this clinical and I don't feel intimidated (which is mostly the case when I feel ill)
I am done rambling have to get ready for lecture..Good luck YOU can do it!!
Thanks for the input Gin and MySimplePlan. As a new nursing student, I am feeling the anxiety. Tomorrow is our first quiz. Today walking out of Meds for Math class, I felt a sudden anxiety like never before, just thinking about tomorrow's quiz. I have studied so much, but am stressed out all the same. I want to stay humble, yet confident that I am soaking it all in. So, far it is an exciting feeling to be going through this. This is something I have wanted for years and am finally going through it. You must be so excited Gin!! I wish you the best for your last semester. Is it true that it flies by?? I tend to think it will, we are cruising right along at an enormous rate of speed. I think I am studying too much, if that is at all possible. Well my daugther has her science fair tonight, and I am feeling guilty about not studying...I guess the boot camp is working. Have a great week.
The time does go by fast after the first year (I think there are just so many new adjustments the first year) The math thing you will get it sooner then you think..Every clinical you will have a math test which forces you to go back and review and eventually you will do it in your sleep..I hate math and when I had to take that class I remember thinking.... I will never understand this stuff..But I am not sure at what point it was but you do eventually get it..New Instructors for each class help you get their perspective on things you previously didn't understand and that helps alot. Just do one class at a time focus on just that and try not to think about the huge overwhelming picture ahead of you say to yourself...I will make it through this class and before you know it you'll be in your last semester thinking Okay I just have to make it one more semester and let me tell you that is very good feeling that you have survived and glad you didn't give up. Have those support people at home (who will talk you out of quitting when times get rough) and good study buddies who want you to succeed with a motto we are all in this together that is what has helped me this far. Good luck to you and feel free to email me if you have any questions r/t things you really can't discuss on the boards.
326 Posts
Well, so far, so good. We had two exams (quizzes) today. I did okay on one, and great on the other:monkeydance: . I am basically taking one day at a time. Actually, I am loving the learing experience. There is SO much information. I am giving myself permission to take 5-10 minutes to check out AllNurses and veg out. I have to get kids in check and ready for bed so I can digest what we learned today and prepare my notes for class tomorrow. I guess all being said, nursing school is the experience you make out of it. I am so glad for this opportunity...okay, gotta run. I haven't had a chance to really read some of the other wishes to everyone!!!
HEY RNTOBE2008! See ya in class tomorrow!
Oh, I also just rewarded myself with my own blood pressure cuff!!! Hummmm, $35.00...that could have gone on a pair of shoes:uhoh21: Nope!!! It is an investment in ME!
Oh yeah, one more thing.........:smiley_aa Whooott!!! to WCCCD, news from our instructor, WCCCD is proud to have 97% pass rate for NCLEX for students taking the test...that is on the 1st try!!!
13 Posts
Congrats on finishing up week 2 of the program! I try not to read to much of how hard or overwhelming it is because it just scares the daylights out of me. Did you guys feel the same way before you started? I am so scared! :stone
Thanks for the congrats, we are actually going in to week 4 now. I would advise you "to not listen to negative comments on nursing school", I used to hear from a few people on what a terrible thing it was. It's nothing like they said it was. I am actually loving nursing school, yes it is challenging and you do have to work hard at it. It is doable and it is rewarding. Keep up the positive attitude and do not listen to all the "rumors" you will hear out there, because most of the time, those are just rumors. I found it is better to make your own judgements on things, such as Instructor's and what is considered hard to someone else, may not be that way for you. It is all what you make it. The anxiety does not go away, it increases in nursing school. Anxiety keeps you sharp and alert. There is a lot of study time needed toward learning the content, but if you study well, then no problem. There are goals to focus on, and you have to keep those in sight at all times. It will not matter if "that teacher doesn't like me", because you are there to learn the content and then move on to the next level. You are not there to be a social butterfly or win a popularity contest. You are there strictly for yourself, you are training for your career and that is the final line. This is no joke. This is serious and a lot of hard work. If you are serious about it, you will find a way to succeed with it. It is good to stay humble and accept if you are wrong on something. We are new to this material and it is an adjustment to learn the schedule, fast pace of training and many quizzes and exams coming at you, frequently. Just work hard and stay focused. Good luck. Time management is also a good quality to gain as well. This is not like anything you have ever done before, this is not like English class or Psych class, this is no joke. This is learn the material or fail. So, just work very hard and keep your goals in sight. You can do this. I wish you much success.
97% pass rate, awesome, awesome, awesome. We are getting one heck of an education then right? See you in class girly. Have a great weekend.