Hesi Test (fundamentals)


Just curious if anyone had any information on the HESI test for fundamentals. What topics should I study for more than others, etc.? Any information would be greatly appreciated. *Annie*

I see people are viewing my post but no replies! Seriously guys.....it would really help........

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

I do not know much about the specifics of this test, but I know there are 50 questions on the Fundamentals portion. This subject has been discussed numerous times on the bulletin board. Try using the "Search" feature. Here are a few links which may be of assistance to you:








Best wishes to you :)

the test i'm taking is ONLY fundamentals......will there still be only 50 questions?

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.

Just study your basic fundamental stuff. I have taken 5 hesi's so far & all have had 50 questions. The fundamental hesi is not real difficult. Good Luck

Specializes in Oncology/BMT/ MICU/ SICU.

We too take HESIs at the end of each semester. I've taken a HESI over Fundamentals, Pharmacology, Psychiatric Mental Health,and Med/Surg and they all were 55 questions each.

Maybe the school can decide the amount of questions that are given.

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
We too take HESIs at the end of each semester. I've taken a HESI over Fundamentals, Pharmacology, Psychiatric Mental Health,and Med/Surg and they all were 55 questions each.

Maybe the school can decide the amount of questions that are given.

I think you are right. I also believe each school can have the test customized or just use a standard version. AGGH I hate those HESI's.........

I just took the midcurricular HESI two days ago. It was hard.

My advice

1. Know how to prioritize your nursing diagnoses. If you have 5 patients, then which is most urgent?

2. Pharmacology - luckily, they stuck to the more commonly prescribed drugs. For the exit exam, I am planning on picking out the "TOP 5" for each system... respiratory, psych, etc...

3. Nutrition. There were a LOT of nutrition questions - maybe it just seemed that way because I wasn't prepared for it, but I really was overwhelmed by them. Of course some of them were integrated with pharm questions. Like what foods would you tell a patient to avoid if they were taking XXX?

4. Therapeutic communication - be honest, firm, and caring.

5. ALWAYS THINK ABOUT MASLOW'S HEIRARCHY OF NEEDS. There were a lot of questions I missed because I was more concerned with hospital policy than I was with the basic needs of the patient. These questions can be very tricky.

6. Basic assessment - obviously. Glasgow, DTRs, BP readings, pulses, etc... Diabetes and hypertension were biggies.

7. Know grains, micrograms, all the conversions for dosage calculations.

Hope this helps and good luck!!!

Have anyone used those hesi flashcards to study? http://www.flashcardsecrets.com/hesi/

I am interested b/c it would be nice to have portable flashcards to keep in my purse or wherever to study from.

Hi. I just found this website so sorry for the very late posting. I guess the question now is...did the flashcards help? I'm getting ready to take the exit HESI so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
Hi. I just found this website so sorry for the very late posting. I guess the question now is...did the flashcards help? I'm getting ready to take the exit HESI so any advice would be greatly appreciated.


I will take mine in May 06 & our school encourages us to study as you would for the Nclex....Saunders doing questions & reading rationales. Hope this helps.

We have two chances to make 850 on it. One in March and the other in May. If we don't make 850, we can't sit for the NCLEX. No pressure there!

Good luck on your test and with the upcoming semester!


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