

I took the hesi 3 times and failed , where do I go from here? My school does not offer refresher courses, but kick you out. I actual walked before the test was administered. I don't have anything to show I attended the school except the graduation pictures. Can someone help me? I am desperate.

Specializes in Telemetry.

What have you done to prepare for the exam the last three times?

It is going to depend on your school and what they will and will not do.

If they do not permit one to graduate without passing the Exit HESI after three attempts, then they are not going to issue a diploma to you, nor a completed set of transcripts. Perhaps because you did not even take the third exam, they may possibly give you another chance, but that is something for them to decide on an individual basis and they are not required to do so. But you are going to have to give them a very good reason why you just walked out from it.

Unfortunately, most of the time there is nothing that one can do in this case. Only thing would be to complete a nursing program so place else. And we have seen students here have to do this.

Best of luck to you.

Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

Like Suzanne said, you'll have to talk to your school. If it was test anxiety maybe you could ask for a class/tutor/mentor to help you overcome it? You may also have to interveiw other schools and retake a class or 2 depending on the school(s). Best wishes and good luck!

If the school will not give them a transcript of having completed the program, then it is not just one or two courses that need to be redone. It is the entire program as if they never attended before.

This is a well known fact with some programs before the student even starts, and there are those that have posted here that this has happened to.

If the school does not give them one more chance since they walked from the exam, then there is nothing that they can do without repeating the entire program again.

Thanks all for responding to my cry, When I said walk, I meant attended my graduation ceremony before we were allowed to take the test, I completed all three of the exams we were allowed to take. The school does not offer any form of remedial classes, I am looking for a school that can offer remedial classes, but can't find any. My prerequisites have all expired therefore I am required to start the process all over.

Unfortunately, none of the classes that you took will be accepted by another program; so there is no remedial training that you can take that will get you the license. Your school is not going to release your transcripts to any other school nor the state.

Best of luck to you.

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