HESI A2 Nursing Entrance Exam study helps online FREE


Hi all :)

Thought you might be interested in this site I found that will help you know what to study for the HESI entrance.


Also found this one on allnurses.com earlier in an older thread; here it is again:

http://www.westcoastuniversity.edu/uploadedFiles/20_Admissions/HESIStudyGuide.pdf (VERY comprehensive---195 pages!)

Happy Studying!

I am looking for the test guide as well, I take my exam in 3 weeks and have been out of the class room for quite some time can someone please help me find the HESI entrance review beacuse I have gone to all the sites posted and have had no luck!! PLEASE HELP:crying2:

i am really nervous about this HESI A2 exam, how long of a dedicated study time do you recommend?

Hi everyone, just an update, as of June 14, 2010, I am now an official Nursing student - Praise God!!

Also, my sister in law and I scored pretty good scores on the Hesi entrance exam, but we studied for 2 weeks straight- literally. And I bought 3 Nursing entrance exam books to also get a feel and a review for what will be on the test. These books are essential in my opinion. There's a lot of things we were taught in school, but these books remind you of a lot of what you might have forgotten, so I can't stress enough- buy some Nursing entrance exam books to help prepare for this test!

Best of luck to you all!! : )

I used several study guides, and I feel that left me well prepared. Search here for threads about HESI, PAX, and TEAS tests. They will all be the same material. All of the math is GED-level arithmetic and some algebra.

TEAS® Exam Practice Questions - Help your Test of Essential Academic Skills™ Score with free unofficial Preparation Materials for the TEAS® Test is a free site.

HESI admission assessment book from evolve/reach company, and I think that book pretty well covered the PAX material, too. The language skills stuff in PAX and HESI is almost identical. I relied on the chemistry & science stuff in there, too. ISBN 978-1-4160-5635-5 http://WWW.ELSEVIERHEALTH.COM

TEAS Test Study Guide Reviews TEAS Exam Practice Tips TEAS Secrets but what I got out of it that wasn't duplicated elsewhere was test-taking strategies and shortcuts to analyze the questions and cut some time off choosing answers.

Cliff's TestPrep Nursing School Entrance Exam , ISBN 978-0-7646-5986-0, Wiley a good reference for $16

Cliff'sStudySolver Biology ISBN 0-7645-5842-0. Paid $3.99 for it at some discount outlet store here. Good reference because it covers both plants and animals.

physics4kids.com and in the right-hand margin there's also links to there other sites (i.e. biology4kids, chemistry4kids, etc.)

Storefront Home

- this is a link to their official study manual from their online store $34.95

http://regentsprep.org/ - New York Regent's Exam prep home page. They cover a number of subjects: math, English and several sciences

Table of Contents - links to reviews of math and science basic information

http://www.tpub.com/content/armymedical/MD0904/index.htm but I don't recall what's in it.

maybe some of http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/explore/anatomy.htm

Some of those links may be redundant or whatever. I culled them from this board a while ago.

Hi Deniseronaldpolite, I took the Hesi already, and I can tell you that when I was preparing for this exam, I bought 3 different nursing entrance exam books along with the Hesi study book. These books are great for reviewing things you might have forgotten and learning things you might not have known. It really doesn't matter which nursing entrance exam books- they are all cummalitive tests and study guides that deal with material that will be covered on the Hesi exam.

Hope that helps! I wish you all the best!

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