HESI A2 for Maricopa Community Colleges???

U.S.A. Arizona


Hey so I took the NET and I like totally bombed the test as far as the math part goes. I ran out of time in the math portion of the test. I was so mad and frustrated that I could have cried. So the procter tells me that I can retake the test in 60 days and I said that I was told that Maricopa will be discontinuing the NET and going with the HESI A2 for the entrance exam into school. So I know this to be true, but my question is if anybody knows what section of the HESI A2 is going to be required to have a passing score. Is it just the reading and vocaburlary and math or is it the sciences too that we will have to pass also? Please somebody let me know. Thankyou

Thanks that helps.

Anybody else who took the test in here?

Specializes in med/surg.

:)hi everyone....

i just passed the hesi a2 2 days ago...(i failed last apr) math is very easy---basic mat, ratio & proportion, metric conversions, roman numeral, & time conversions..

im from the philippines...the english part is really tough for me:rolleyes:, eng101 helped a lot...

I took the HESI A2 at Glendale CC and you just need to get a 75 on the math and they combine the english (gramar, vocab & reading) and you need to get an average of 75 on that. i got a 98 on my math on my first try, there are 15 different versions so Im not sure how similar they all are but just try to remember how many ounces are in a pint and a gallon and the vocab and grammar is combined. The vocab wasnt what was in the study guide but quite a bit is fairly easy so I wouldnt sweat it too much. I studied the Evolve study guide for maybe two or three days and got a 98 on my math and a 85 on my english. After that they have you take 3 more tests but they arent graded, I think its just like a survey, tests your personality, study type, and critical thinking.

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.

I am getting ready to take the HESI A2 within the next month and I have been told that there is Biology and chemistry on the test. Can anyone tell me how difficult the bio and chem are on the test?


Specializes in med/surg.

to Kayl,

You dont need to take bio and chm if your going to take the HESI A2 or the required entrance exam for the nursing exam.

Only the english and math section.:)

Specializes in med/surg.

I just took the HESI A2 2 weeks ago. they will tell you that you dont need to take the science part of the test,( w/c is bio, chem, & physiscs.)

Maricopa School District only require the ENG & MAT result..

Once you attend the Nursing Advisement, they will also tell you only need the MAT & ENG portion of the test. although, you are welcome to take the science part....but it will not be included with your score...

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.

That is great! Thanks for the info!!

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if there were any temperature conversions on the Hesi. Like celsius to fahrenheit or fahrenheit to celsius? I just want to know if it's worth memorizing the formulas or not!! Thanks for the info!!

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.

Also, is it true that a calculator can be used?

Also, is it true that a calculator can be used?

Yes there is a calculator on the test it is so awesome. I can't remember about temp conversions..that doesn't stand out.. Just a lot of decimal and percentage and fraction conversion. I would study a GED math test book. That is what I did and I passed with a 96%.

Specializes in oncology, med-surg.

I took the Hesi yesterday and it wasn't bad at all. You were right though, no temperature conversions but I memorized the formulas just in case. I would rather be overprepared than under prepared. Thanks to everyone for their tips! I studied the Hesi Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam Review and I thought it was very helpful! I got a 94% for math and 93% for English. It wasn't hard at all.

Thanks again everyone! Best of luck!! :)

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