Here it goes...

Nursing Students Male Students


I'm doing it. I have finally decided to give up pursuing a music degree (seems like a dead end street for me) and follow nursing. I'm about to send this application into the college and get my pre-req's out of the way. I'm excited!!! But a little scared....

Specializes in Peds, PICU, Home health, Dialysis.
I'm doing it. I have finally decided to give up pursuing a music degree (seems like a dead end street for me) and follow nursing. I'm about to send this application into the college and get my pre-req's out of the way. I'm excited!!! But a little scared....

Good for you! You definitely will not regret your choice -- even though the ride will be strenuous and stressful at times, remember to keep your eyes focused on the light at the end of the tunnel.

It can be very scary, but very fulfilling. The right attitude is key. Coming to the realization that music - something many people love - is wonderful, but in the real world nursing might take you further, is a big thing. Good for you.

Drumming is good therapy for those times when school gets stressful. I've got the worn skins to prove it.


Good for you but don't hang up those drummer sticks. You will need a creative outlet becasue you will be entering into logical stressful stuff. It is important to have an outlet that is relaxing and soothes the soul.;)

I don't think I could possibly put those things away - I've invested far too much time, effort, blood, and sweat to get where I am today. I will just leave it be as a hobby and maybe play some gigs (outside of Church). Thanks guys - everyone I've talked to in my family likes this choice better and all the RN's I've talked to said that they love their jobs...Hopefully, and faithfully, I will love my job as an RN equally!

Specializes in Neuro, Cardiology, ICU, Med/Surg.

Hey Jacko, you can still drum on the side. :monkeydance: One of the more liberating moments I had after I started playing the bass was that doing it for fun didn't mean failure for me, but rather that I could pick and chose the musical situations that were rewarding for me rather than ones that pay. :)

Specializes in I got hurt and went to the ER once.

The Nurse Manager at one of Kansas City's sickest ICU's had a music degree when he went into Nursing and got his BSN. He's since gotten his PhD. in Music. Now he's starting a MSN program. ( I guess he likes school alot)

Anyways, I'm just saying, are you giving up music? or are you taking a pause from it for now?... your call.


I'm doing it. I have finally decided to give up pursuing a music degree (seems like a dead end street for me) and follow nursing. I'm about to send this application into the college and get my pre-req's out of the way. I'm excited!!! But a little scared....
Specializes in Peds Rehab, Informatics.

Dude, I did exactly the same thing. I went full time as a music major for two years and then took a year and a half off. I started working in nursing as a tech and have been going to nursing school this past year. Let me tell you, I have never looked back! Nursing really is an art and I believe that if you have a desire to be creative, nursing will not dissapoint you! If you really are passionate about music (I still am), you can pursue that on a non-professional basis. I have never regreted my decision!

I play the guitar and am a nursing student, i am a bad player, but a good student.

Specializes in ortho(med surg) and OB, mostly L&D.

good for you! in high school i enjoyed drama and choir and had a decent singing voice...more opera type than american idol lol...anyways, everyone asked me why i didn't do acting or music as a major and i was proud to tell them i was a nursing major. you will not regret your decision...i never do! use your musical talent to help you relax and be a hobby. i still sing a few musical numbers here and there and am learning piano, but i'm a proud nurse! good luck in nursing school, we'll be here to help!

Its an intimidating decision to make, changing your life course. I've made a similar decision to change careers. Seems to be a normal thing nowadays, but difficult none the less.

It has been back and forth in my mind thousands of times. I decided that I can be resourceful with the money and time that I have to continue playing with a Worship Band and ministering. I really appreciate all the responses, it really helped me make this decision!!!


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