On Monday evening I recieved a call from our 24 year old son, who was living in a city about 6 hours drive from us, asking that I come get him now, that people were after him and wanted to kill him. He had felt threatened last Nov and in fact went missing for a week, and we feared him dead at that time. He did call that time after a week, but was convinced of danger. I began to suspect then that we were dealing with a mental illness, but with him so far away and other serious stuff in our lives, was unable to do much but try to stay in touch. As he did not have a phone, that was a challenge. I saw him a couple of times this spring when I was in that city visiting my mom in law (who is fighting cancer), and our conversations did not relieve my fears. He seemed a little delusional and I was suspecting halucinations. I just finished my third year of nursing school and was doing my psych rotation from Jan - April, so I was getting an education in more ways than one.
Well Monday's phone call confirmed our fears. I made arrangements and a friend drove me up to get him. Long, all night drive. He was very frightened and agitated. Tuesday afternoon, he was really paranoid, thinking that a new neighbour near me was planted to watch me, that there was a guy at a bus stop that was one of the people from the other city (when I looked, I saw no one), that I got my new undergraduate nursing job (on psych, BTW) so 'they' could keep an eye on me, that the security gard on psych was after him, and that two nurses there were talking about him. All this in about 25min.
Thursday, he agreed to go see his doctor to have a check up for diabetes, and I requested a psych assesment. The Dr was awesome, and talked to our son very matter of factly, and clearly. Our son was unwilling to accept a prescription, but did agree to stop smoking pot. The doc also sent a referal to the psychiatrist of our choice, and bless him, he called us Fri, before noon, and we were in his office at three pm. (We being, DH, son and me). He did get our son's agreement to try a medication (risperidal), explained why pot was very bad for him, and is arranging a CT scan. The family doc had ordered blood tests, and those were drawn on Thurs.
There is so much I really cannot write here, but it has been an exauhsting week. I just started my job on psych and was in orientation Mon-Thurs (missed Tues and will make it up later), and part of our orientation was training videos on how to help and teach families who have a member dealing with a first psychotic episode. I did not want to be there. I wanted someone to help me, not learn to help someone else right then. and just being with our son is so tiring. This am for example, in less than four hours he went from hypo-manic to agitated to paranoid to delusional. and he had only had three hour of sleep. (Yes I know the relationship between sleep and psychosis, but he has yet to figure it out).
so, besides just needing to vent, I need some resources for families of schizophenics. My hubby and I talked with our pastor tonight (yesterday, now), and he recomended we look for some info on line, but I do not know what some good ones are, and am too tired to search. He works in mental health as well, so that is really an asset now.
One need is for my hubby to learn how to and how not to communicate with our son. DH is a very logical man and asks a lot of questions. This is not a logical illness, and he is at sea as to how to deal with it. I could explain it to him, but I think he would like it better from another source. and that would remove a burden from me, too.
also, some resources for our son would be great. maybe BB or chat rooms??
Any help you can give will be appreciated. This is so scary, and it has already been a really difficult couple of years with two deaths in the family, the death of a friend, mom's cancer, me being diagnosed with depression last fall, now this???
I want to work in psych, and I want to learn about it, but I'm not sure this is how I would have chosen to do it. In the opinion of those more experienced than I, what reading/researching should I do or not do right now? I was planning to really concentrate on my psych textbook this summer, and work as much as possible to refine my skills in this setting, but with my family situation I don't know if that is a good idea.
well, its late and I need sleep, so thanks for 'listening', and any help you can provide.