HELP Recyle disabled nurses

Nurses General Nursing


I know that I am not the only nurse who is no longer working as a nurse due to a back injury. In the US, OSHA requires that you be able to lift 50 lbs to work on the floor as a nurse. I can't.

My "reasonable accomodation" was a move to watch heart monitors on the med-tele. floor where I worked. I also took quite a pay cut to do this. My only other option was to be unemployed.

I have my BSN, ACLS and over 15 years of nursing experience. I can't lift much, but I am still capable of starting IVs, inserting foleys, giving meds, assessing pts and knowing when a pt is in trouble. Frequently, I am a resource person to the nurses I work with, answering questions and debating options.

Years ago, I saw a news story on this nursing student who graduated and worked from her wheelchair. I can still walk, but am not allowed to work as a nurse but someone in a wheelchair can? This doesn't make sense.

There is a nursing shortage. It is bad....I see the shortage every day at work. I have good clinical skills and experience. And I am not alone. Is there any way that we can recycle and use nurses who are still able to perform a great deal of the core skills required in the daily routine of nursing care?

Can anyone out there (or here) help us......We want to help you by being able to do the work we have been trained to do and by working with you.

Thank you for your help.

I strongly suggest that any of the posters considering SSD start the application process ASAP...being approved for benefits can be a process that takes YEARS, especially if you are younger and or have advanced degrees or many years of experience...

I gave up the fight due to finances.

The good news is (for those who know my long sad tale)...with the weather warming up I walked thru a grocery shopping trip! (but did have to use 'the chair' for a marathon Walmart run).

Every step is a step...

Discarded, you are very brave, as are ALL the nurses who have shared their stories on this forum.

Have any of you been to the AOL workplace forum for nurses? There is a forum within it for disabled nurses. The host is Doodles, who is not a nurse but she is a quad who counsels disabled clients and she has SO MUCH good info and support to offer! Perhaps this is a logical direction for us injured nurses...counseling injured/disabled clients. :) We'd be naturals.

Just wanted to extend an invitation and hope this isn't construed as advertising...if so I apologize and please pull this, moderators!

And Maahs, congrats on winning your SSD! I'm encouraged to hear of nurses who DO qualify, as I've heard from others SSA feels we have too much education and tends to deny us on that point this point I don't feel there is much work I could hack of ANY type, (mentally or physically) so I'm giving SSD a shot. I will keep you all updated, and hope ya'll will do the same as I'm interested in all of we 'continue life's journey' after disabling injury.

Prayers for ya'll!:kiss

Dear Mattsmom, thank you for the info on the AOL site for disabled nurses. I don't think that was advertising anymore than giving the site to help file for SSD. Any info that could help someone in the position we find ourselves in should be welcome.

As this thread continues, I think that eventually we may be able to organize some kind of group ourselves (or be a part of another).

Argus, thank you for your comments on educating yourself. You don't need to apologize for your earlier comments. Even though we are in a bad position, we do need to try to keep a positive attitude. It can be hard to do.....but I do feel this thread can help us .....As we share we feel like we are helping each other. Isn't that the most positive thing in each of our situations?

For any of you that are starting the SSD process I got it in a very short time. The way to do it is have yor Dr.s send all of the records that pertain to your disability. I was also told I could not be collecting any money for 6 mos. before being accepted. I called an attorney that specializes in disability claims. They will help you with knowing what to do to get started and alot of times they give free initial consults. They will alo help you get what you deserve from your companies. Also for all of your info. SSD requires that you and you spouse have no more than $2,000 in essets. I had to spend my 401k that I had earned. Either way we are sc_____ed. Anyone have any questions and I'll gladly help.Good Luck I'm on still on SSD.


maah, Are you kidding me? $2,000 total assets??? We're not wealthy, I'm a nurse and my husband is duty disability retired, but! we worked hard and saved and I really don't want to loose our home!!!!

I received a letter from my LTD company once again pushing me to apply for SSD. They are even willing to submit my medical records and hire an attorney. Until now, nobody ever mentioned that $2,000 maximum asset limit for eligiblility. That pretty much knocks most people out of the running. I'm sure that includes owing a home and car as an asset? My 401K would have to be gone and anything else that my husband and I worked for over the years. Never would have thought that saving for retirement would/could be considered a luxury.

Maybe I'll apply anyway and let them turn me down. I started writing a book about disposable nurses, that's the working title anyway. I can add SSD rejection to the list. After they fired me for being disabled my former employer also turned me down for unemployment coverage, because I was unable to fill 15% of the available positions in the area. I hear a lot about "the laws out there to protect people from that sort of thing" (being terminated while ondisability). It just involves so much energy (which I don't have, but luckily my attorney does) and takes so much time to attempt to enforce these laws that most people just don't. Makes you think that maybe some of these laws (ADA) are urban legends or at least fractured fairy tales. sigh! It shouldn't be this hard.

Well this is quite a bummer. Here's a happy thought. I have my first grandchild. A little girl born 6 weeks ago, the day before my birthday. She's beautiful and when things look really bleak, just looking into that tiny face with the huge blue eyes really brightens things up. Maybe they'll come visit today. Had to leave this with sharing a happy thought.

mattsmom, I'm not feeling so brave at this point. Thank you for the compliment. I'm reading much more bravery on this site by others in this situation. We need to lean on each other's bravery and stick together. It's that strength in numbers thing.

Okay, I'm better now. Thanks once again for listening.

Maah, thanks for your input and your offer for help for others in the position of applying for SSD.

discarded APN, going on and apply for whatever help you can. If you have any trouble (get rejected by the federal govt.), talk to your Congressman or Senator or all. The laws are supposed to help us.

Maybe we all want get the best deal out of this, BUT together we can work to change things so that other nurses won't go through what we have.

The last sentence in my previous post should read:

"Maybe we all CAN'T get the best deal out of this, BUT together we can work to change things so that other nurses won't go through what we have.


I have SSD. It took 2 humiliating years to be approved. They sent me to doctors and a psychiatrist. The money is nice but I will never forget what they put me through.

I get 1300 a month before taxes.

I'm not applying for the insurance end (SSI) just the disability. (SSD). I believe if you want INSURANCE coverage for meds and treatments, you must have $3000 or less in family asets NOT including your home and car, from what I read. So yes, to receive the whole kit and kaboodle, you will need to be pretty much destitute as far as bank accounts, 401K's. I don't think they look at your IRA's.

Anywho, I just applied for the disability income which will come out to be around what PRN's is....$1300 a month before taxes by my statement from SSA a few months back. Ya'll keep your fingers crossed for me.!

Am I close PRN or do I have the info wrong? Here's how I understand it: The disability income has nothing to do with your assets, just your inability to have gainful employment due to health disability.

Maah, you must have applied for 'both ends' of things...SSD, and SSI. Or else I'm totally misunderstanding this!

Congrats on the grandbaby Discarded! I look forward to having one of my own someday! Babies are good for our tired old souls aren't they? LOL!

I know what you all mean about not having the energy and feeling so humiliated. I've decided to look at all this as a challenge rather than a defeat and it's helping my attitude a little. (Or maybe it's the drugs the doc has me on...let's see...Prozac, Vicodin, Soma, Ultram, Remuron...and a few more for good measure...LOL!)

Gotta laugh at ourselves once in awhile right? :)

Been working a bit of a stretch of 12 hrs shifts. Then tonight the night monitor tech called in. But someone else got pulled to our floor so I could go home (and write you).

Wanted to let you all know that I have been thinking about you all this week....I am hoping that we can keep this dialogue is so helpful.

Got a job possibility at my hospital. Hope that they don't suddenly decide to add lifting requirements. As someone else said a few postings back, the employer may be afraid of adding to insurance costs. but since I already work there, that shouldn't be a consideration.

Everyone hanging in there?

Hi Mercykitten....share with us this job you're looking at...what will you be doing? Is it a nursing job with more money? (I HOPE!) I will keep you in my prayers...and that the job will be offered to you with 'no strings attached!'

I am wrapping up this SSD paperwork. It's taken me two weeks to wade through it...of course I have to rest and can't sit over a table for long periods of I'm sure this is why it takes so long for me.

I have a question for PRN or others who have won their SSD case....should I just go ahead and ask my husband to submit the form on friend's and family's observations? Or wait until the SSD people ask for it? Does it matter if I do it now or??

Thanks in advance! I am enjoying our dialogue here and hope there may be lurkers who are also benefiting from our discussions! If so, please 'delurk' and join in! :roll


Mattsmom, After you have been on the receiving end of SS disability payments for TWO years, you qualify for Medicare. There is a 5 month hold time so really 19 months after you qualify they will send you a Medicare card. If you don't want it return the card. If you do, then keep the card and they will take $54 from your check to pay for Parts A&B.

Example: I was approved Sept. 2001

I received a check for retro payments back to the date of injury Nov 1999 PLUS 5 months. So Apr 1 2000 was the date they used as starting SSDI. Then Apr 1 2002 is when Medicare started.

I don't recall having a family quiz form. I got one asking about daily activities. I mainly just let them take their sweet time. They lost my paperwork 3 times. But finally they gave in! The whole time I never saw a SS person, only the two independent doctors they hired. You'll need a birth certificate and a marriage license for them.

From then on I get a monthly check. I got Medicare 5 months after I started getting monthly checks. This check is NOT based on income or holdings. There is also SSI which is a supplemental payment for really low income people.

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