so a resident has been prescribed .1ml of mophine. when checking out the bottle and narcotics sheet the resident had 30ml. the last person to give the medication wrote 29ml. STUPIDLY ive been reading the mar as 1ml and seeing the narcotic book from 30 to 29ml and thought i was correct. the resident was sent out due to shallow breathing. she IS on a vent and was highly anxious for the past couple of days. she does have a hx of anxiety and the last prn that was given was her prescribed ativan. im freaking out right now. because of my med error could it be possible that im the reason that the resident was sent out? the last time she was given morphine was over 24 hours ago. being that it was a higher dose than ordered i cant help but feel guilty that im to blame. im wondering how long would the effects of morphine last in the system? im so scared of losing my license but most of all scared that ive hurt the resident. please anyone with any answers let me know asap!