Help Needed On Where To Look Next


I really need some advice on possible nursing jobs other than hospital, home health, and hospice. Doc offices are out too, they don't pay enough in this area. Unfortunately, my current health situation is causing me to start looking for a new job. I am an ADN with 2 years of ICU experience and 15 years experience as an LPN. I am the major wage earner as my hubby is disabled. My contract will be up soon and I really need to start looking for an alternative to the hands on nursing as I will be unable to continue lifting, or being on my feet for 12 hour shifts. Any suggestions as to where to start looking would be greatly appreciated!!!


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Not sure myself as I am not a nurse, but maybe if you can pinpoint an area or atleast what state you are in, someone might be able to help. :clown:

school nursing sounds like a good option. to me anyways..

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.
I really need some advice on possible nursing jobs other than hospital, home health, and hospice. Doc offices are out too, they don't pay enough in this area. Unfortunately, my current health situation is causing me to start looking for a new job. I am an ADN with 2 years of ICU experience and 15 years experience as an LPN. I am the major wage earner as my hubby is disabled. My contract will be up soon and I really need to start looking for an alternative to the hands on nursing as I will be unable to continue lifting, or being on my feet for 12 hour shifts. Any suggestions as to where to start looking would be greatly appreciated!!!


I'm in pretty much the same boat, Misty.......Med/Surg has just about ruined my health, and being the major breadwinner in my own household, I'm all but trapped in it as I can't afford to work where I'd only be making 2/3 of what I do now. I'd love to work in a clinic or doctor's office, but we can't live on what they pay in our area either (western Oregon). I won't go back to long-term care, I don't have the credentials to teach, and school nurses around here are rarer than hens' teeth (plus, they have to have a BSN or higher, and I'm only an ADN who can't afford to go back to college).

I've got some 'feelers' out for a discharge planning/case management position, but who knows how that will turn the meantime, I too would appreciate any suggestions.:nurse:

Have you thought about a surgery center? You do an assessment on the patient, start the IV and then they head back into surgery. You get them back, wake them up, do VS, take out the IV, give them d/c instructions and send them on their way.

Surgery centers are closed on weekends and holidays. They have many kinds of shifts available and some pay very well and give great bonuses.


Thanks, for all the advice so far. The surgery center sounds like a great idea, there is one about 2 miles from my house. School nurses are entrenched in their jobs here, very few openings ever come up, but I will look into it.

Once again thank you for all your help.

Specializes in Pediatrics Only.


How about home health? It doesnt require the lifting/being on your feet for 12 hours that you had mentioned you dont want to do.

I do pediatric home health, and have one patient a day for 8-12 hour shifts. With my company, I am able to choose the hours/days I want to work.

Just my 2 cents :) I love working with kids, so I love Peds home health, but there is always adult home health or others areas that would allow travel between homes.

Good luck!

This would depend fully on what your degrees were in school. You can contact UOPHX and they can give you more options. UOPHX stands for the University of Phoenix. They are pretty good with giving career move advice.

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