Published Nov 24, 2005
12 Posts
I took the examine on 11/5 and the computer shut off at 205 questions I got my results today and unfortunately I failed. I've been out of school for over a year and I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone know of any review courses in California? I been looking on the internet and I was unable to find any. My school only offers review courses for new grads. I just don't know what to do the nclex had me stump it just seems no matter how much I study I don't think I would understand.
238 Posts
I am sorry to hear that you failed the test. I have heard several people on this board talk about Saunders guide to NCLEX. You can buy it with the CD and it has practice questions. Maybe that will work for you. Try not to let it get you down. I wish you good luck.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
If you graduated over a year ago, have you been testing in the past, or was this your first try?
What exactly were you using to prepare for the exam? Were you answering questions? If so, how many?
Unable to help without knowing more.:)
520 Posts
I am curious about that as well. Did you find yourself guessing at a lot of questions? I keep hearing how there are tons of priority questions, was this the case? I am also from california and take my nclex on the 30th.
As far as review books goes:
Saunders = great book for content and rationales, but no priority questions.
Mosby = didn't like it at all.
Kaplan = great book!! They really go into priority questions, which is the bulk of the nclex from what I keep reading and hearing from friends who have took it. But the priority questions in Kaplan are very easy.
Lipincott "lvn made easy" = it seemed ok, touches breifly on priority questions. If I had things to do over I wouldn't of got this book / cd. Some rationales made no sense.
NCSBN.ORG review is an online reveiw put out by the people that make the nclex. I have found it to be the best review course out there. I got the 3 week course and have learned a lot. I have read that this review course is the closest to the actual nclex, no suprise. So it is a must have in my opinion. Same with Saunders lvn review.
134 Posts
Do not despair, you can pass the NCLEX one year after graduation.
I was 25 when I finished nursing school and my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer 6 weeks after I graduated. Needless to say after helping care for her at home and dealing with her death I was in no shape to take the NCLEX. I bought 2 NCLEX study guides at Barnes and Noble about 8 months later and did all of the written and CD-rom tests. I studied about 4 hours a day for 1 month and I passed the first time I took the NCLEX. I know several nurses from my last hospital job who had to take the NCLEX more than once due to language barriers. Whatever your barriers to learning have been you can overcome them. Stay focused on your goal and you will pass. You can do it!!!!
3 Posts
I want to reassure you that you can pass it. I took it a year after I graduated and failed. I found a local review class for nursing and passed it. I dont know but maybe if you try to research nursing review classes such as Kaplan Review maybe it will assist you in preparing. Another thing you might be able to do is call the school you graduated from and ask them about local review classes.
1 Post
Hi there! I took the NCLEX last Monday and was absolutely convinced I had failed. I have been trying to sort out my paperwork from England for 18months and eventually given an ATT. I was at my wits end. I have been a nurse for 18 years but have not studied hard for a long time. I found the NCSBN website really good. I paid to be on their test site for 20 days before the test. Everyday I did about 100 questions, looking up Americanisms and different drugs. The test was nothing like I had expected as a lot of it was priority care. ie: You have one private bed on the ward and 4 patients awaiting admission. Who would you give the private room to. 1/ HIV patient 2/ patient with Hep B 3/ neutropenic patient 4/ patient with asthma.
They were all similar to that. I didn't have any calculations (and by the way there is a calculator on the screen) The computer cut off at 89 questions and 5 days later I discovered I had passed. Good luck and don't give up.
Love Julie x x x
24 Posts
Do not give up. I am one of those people who took NClex three times. I pass on my thrid go around. I study NCLex Incredibly easy book which book down
into simple terms and old class notes and charts and pictures. Remember the questions are base on Airway, breathing, Circulation and Nursing process. Look at web site has information on how to answer these type of questions and it help me.
You will pass on nex go around.