Hi, I'm a new nurse who left my first job in ICU after agonizing 6months. I got a job in Med/Surg 5months later. Although I graduated from nursing school over 1yr ago, I only have 8 months nursing experience. I'm experiencing anxiety everytime when I think of work. It usually start the night before (I work night shifts) and escalate just before leaving to work. My heart starts palpate and I become tearfull. I'm a single mom so I leave my child w/ my friend. Everynight when I'm leaving to work, I feel so sad to take him to my friend's house. Although my supervisor tells me she heard some good things about me, I still feel so inadequate and make mistakes. I get stressed out if I can't finish all the task within the first 2-3hrs before pts go to sleep. I start taking antidepressant 2wks ago and see counseling every 2wks. I have no interest to anything anymore, I isolate myself more and more. I feel like falling apart. I like my patients and have good relationship with them, but I feel inadequate comes to skills, paperworks, and some physicians orders. Help me... I don't want to feel so sad and fearful about my job.