Published Jun 22, 2011
1 Post
Ever since I started nursing school I've been working only part time and recently my manager asked me to apply for a full time position she will be posting up soon. September I am starting my last year of nursing and I don't know what it will be like for me to work full time and be in nursing school full time. My classes are four days a week and I will be in clinicals from 6:45 to 3:30 two days of the week and in lecture from 8am to noon the two other days. My work schedule is 330-midnight. I really like the idea of making extra cash while I'm in school to help me pay off tuition, etc. But im scared it will hinder me from succeeding in the program. I am usually a pretty organized and good with managing my time, but dont know if this will burn me out. Any ideas/thoughts?
83 Posts
I only worked ONE day per week during nursing school. On the other hand, classmates of mine worked more but did poorly in school. Whether the two are connected is not up for me to decide.
1 Article; 360 Posts
There is this little thing called homework.....
30 Posts
It really depends on how much you need the money NOW. I say this because you need to give 100% to nursing school, or it may cost you in the end (paying for another semester, not passing your boards, etc). Since you are in your last year, I would not go above and beyond, you have your whole nursing career to do that! Give what you can, and don't feel bad when you decide what's more important to you.
mama_d, BSN, RN
1,187 Posts
It is hard but doable. I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have to though, for the sake of your sanity.
Would the extra money be for fun stuff, or do you need it to keep your car from getting repo'ed?
How easy is school for you? Are you one of those people who don't need to invest a lot of time and still keep a 3.5 GPA, or do you need to dedicate a significant portion of time to maintain the minimum required?
Do you have a family or others who count on you primarily for care?
I've been there done that, gonna be doing it again come spring, not looking forward to it at all. Kids and hubby have been getting the "When I'm in school full time..." speech off and on already. Many people I work with have done so also, and done fairly well. Yes, it can be done, but only you can decide if it's worth it for your particular situation.
7 Posts
Nursing school is going to be your life for the next two years. For those that make a half commitment with nursing school, as in having a full time job, will struggle. I would try to work out something where you can work during breaks between school, but I would not work during school. I wish you the best.
1,024 Posts
I did it the whole time I was in school and my life was hell. If you don't have to I'd wouldn't.
Sarah G
28 Posts
Do you really need the money? If not then I'd recommend keeping your schedule/life as it is for now. I worked full time through nursing school b/c needed the $, health insurance & etc. It was pretty rough at times, esp the last year of the program b/c content became way more in depth. Good luck with whatever you choose.
69 Posts
I work full-time. My work schedule is 7am-4pm, on clinical days til 3pm. Clinicals were from 4:30-9pm twice a week and lecture 5:30-10:30 twice a week.
Then I went home, read, did nursing notes, careplans, etc.. Did I go insane, yes! But I maintained a 4.0 GPA and when next semester starts, I intend to keep it there. Unfortunately, not working full time is not an option for me If you can stay part-time--GO FOR IT!!! Your body will thank you :) Good Luck!
NamasteNurse, BSN, RN
680 Posts
when will you study?
Otessa, BSN, RN
1,601 Posts
The last year of school can be hellish. wouldn't rec. full time unless absolutely necessary (if you are unable to eat or have a roof over your head without the full time job)
just my opinion.
15 Posts
to quote an old instructor of mine "Are you crazy, nursing school takes up 75% of your time, sleep takes up 5% of your time, that only leave 20% for work"
Would it be nice to have a full time job, yes. but realistically unless you are a masochist it isn't a good idea.