Published Jul 18, 2006
64 Posts
I need help from anyone who has experience with the HESI test. I have already passed my boards, but my friend, who I am trying to help study took a HESI E2 today and scored a 711. Her test is in a week and a half and she is scared as heck about taking them. Apparently this score on the HESI is not good, but if she doesn't take the test by August 6, her 90 days runs out as a GN and she will lose her job. I know she has the knowledge, she has been scoring in the 60's on Kaplan tests. Does anyone know about the accuracy of HESI in predicting whether or not someone will pass NCLEX? Any input would be appreciated!
231 Posts
I dont know if this will help or not but I took Hesi as a reasearch project for my job. It didnt count for anything (thank God) and I've already passed NCLEX a week ago. My Hesi score was 757. Tell her she still has several weeks to study. She can still pass even though her Hesi score was low. It wasnt required for me to pass Hesi when I graduated in May so I really dont know what it is or what it means. Sorry.
16 Posts
well, my school requires the HESI, both the PN and the RN version in order to sit for the NCLEX. I'm in my 4th block, just took the HESI PN and got 1037. I found that the Saunder's Review....PN (or RN for that matter) are very, very good reviews. If your friend uses the Saunder's book and does a couple hundred questions from the disk, I bet she will pass just fine. The HESI is hard, but it's not impossible.
219 Posts
I used the saunders review book for the HESI test also and I just reviewed subjects that were more difficult for me like fluid & electrolyte embalences, acid base balance. I didn't sweat it to much because I had to score 900 or above to get into the RN program I wanted in. I scored 936. Alot of people I hear talking don't do very good on the HESI test the first time around.
Komeback Kid
14 Posts
Well, I just graduated in May and my nursing school gave us 3 times to take the HESI and pass it and I didn't pass it until the last time. We were required to make a 850 on test. 1st time--844, 2nd time--789 (vomited and passed out during the test--panic attack), and 3rd time--879. I went to the doctor after the 2nd HESI and he said it sounded like I had a panic attack and he prescribed me some Xanax 0.25mg. I started taking them I was fine during the test. Guess what, I even passed my NCLEX-RN the first time (this pass Thursday). I don't think it's a good indicator. For the last HESI attempt, I studied with the assistant dean and another instructor who teaches test-taking skills and read the Kaplan 2005/2006 book and I was fine. My advice if your friend feels like she has a good knowledge base then she needs to read that Kaplan book on how to answer questions and practice answering as many questions on the computer as she can. Another thing I did was I read the entire HESI book and studied questions from the CD that came with the book (it will show you how to look at the HESI-type of questions). Trust me HESI vs. NCLEX questions--no comparsion. Although both are difficult. I wish your friend well and tell her to try the Kaplan book.
stressgal, RN
589 Posts
First, let me say, I am NOT a fan of HESI. I found that their questions were strange in wording and even rationals. Throughout my nursing program I utilized Saunders NCLEX review as a study resource and did very well. We were required to take a mid curricular Hesi (which I did exceptional on) and then an exit HESI prior to our last quarter. I did horrible on the exit exam according to my school (scored and 886). All but 11 out of 118 classmates scored under 900. We were required to take a HESI review course if we did not pass with a 900 on the exit exam. I sat through the review course, which consisted of going through the Hesi NCLEX review book. As we went through questions even the facilitator could not explain the rationale to certain answers that we questioned. Then I was required to take the HESI exit exam again (different questions) and scored above 1100. Was it the review or the final quarter of discussing/studying delegation, prioritizing and so on....who knows. I believe it was the latter. Not sure that I answered your question, but I guess I would study the book, and even though their rationale may not make sense with anything else you may have learned know what they are looking for. I assure you that when I studied for NCLEX I stayed clear of HESI material. Just my two cents.