Help!!! Failed 2nd Nursing Coures And Don't Know Where 2 Turn

Nurses General Nursing


Just failed 2nd Nursing course and about 2 be dismissed from Nursing program. I do have the option to appeal the dismissal in May 2006 and I will be doing so. It will be a longshot but if they decide to let me back in, I will continue my courses in August 2006. Really depressed because I didn't expect to fail. I don't know where to turn. I studied my ass of and still failed. Can anyone help me with any suggestions about what to do at this point or about any other Nursing schools that I can apply to. I know that it will be nearly impossible to get into another nursing program after being dismissed. I really have my mind set on becoming an RN and will do anything to get back on track toward accomplishing this. Any suggestion are greatly appreciated. Thanks

from second post:

I failed Adult Health II. I, as most of my class, was borderline going into the final. I studied alot for the final but still failed. I think that so much has happened this past semester that has contributed to me failing. First of all, I was living in Baton Rouge but had to move because my lease was up on my apt. and due to the Hurricane Katrina, evacuees consumed most of the apts. there. Therefore, no decent housing led to me havig to move back home 1 and 1/2 hours away from my school. B/c of having 2 move, I had 2 quit my job that I had in Baton Rouge. My mom got laid off after the Hurricane also. To make matters worst, my car kept breaking causing me to miss valuable class time. I managed to attend all schedule clinical (thank God it was only once a week.) So no job, Mom with no job, car that breaks every other week with limited repair money, 1.5 hour drive (whenever my car is working, missed classes=failed 2nd nursing course=dismissed from program, awaiting apeal, and don't know what to do. I am scheduled to go on Thursday to speak to an advisor to inform me more about the appeal process. I have cried so much these past few days. Now I'm trying to figure out what I can do to get my life back on track. Only 4 classes left 2 take. I am praying that they take everything into consideration because this is my career at stake. I am willing to do everything in my power 2 get back on track because this is a nightmare. Any suggestions? Thanks


Is it possible to get into other nursing schools after failing out of the program??? I am in the process of appealing to get back the program at my school but if that doesn't work out, I don't know where to turn. I REALLY, REALLY want to become an RN. I just feel like I am stuck in a bad nightmare right now.:confused:

Is it possible to get into other nursing schools after failing out of the program??? I am in the process of appealing to get back the program at my school but if that doesn't work out, I don't know where to turn. I REALLY, REALLY want to become an RN. I just feel like I am stuck in a bad nightmare right now.:confused:


I am an educator, and I have known of student nurses who entered other programs after failing out of the one I teach in. Mine is a 4 year program and they switched to a 2 year program or an LPN program. Different requirements, etc.

Personally, I'd get catalogues from other schools and look at other helping professions. Lots of times people say they want to be an RN, but haven't really considered other fields. Consider: occupational therapy asst, PT asst, resp therapy and counseling. Good professions, good hours, the chance to help a lot of people. It sounds like you have a lot to offer.

Wow! Sounds bad. Have you tried Zoloft? And yes, you can enter another nursing program. If the school goes on a points system, you can get all of your general stuff out of the way (microbiology, A&P, etc.) while wracking up points to get in. You could do this part time if your totally stressed.

Don't give up! I failed my first clinical. I am entering a new program this fall.

--Those who dare to fail miserably can succeed greatly. Robert F. Kennedy

It sounds to me as if you have been up against the world this past year. If I were on the board that you are going to appeal to, I would be more than sympathetic. Don't give up, go into that appeal knowing that you deserve to continue your courses and offer to be on academic probation, so that they know you are serious. You've been through hell and back, you deserve to have them cut you a break. Let us know how you are doing.

Remember when studying if you don't know how to apply the work, it will never make sense. The head bones are connected to the neck bones, now name them, the bones and blood vessels and nerve supply. All the work is a long story book, get old exam papers and go over them and apply to daily life. Never give up your dreams, but maybe a break is needed? May God bless your going out and coming in from this time forward and forever more.


Originally Posted by SueBee RN-BSN

"Nursing is stressful, your situation is stressful. Many nurses have gone through harder times than you have, and passed in nursing school. Should you be a nurse?"

This type of response is EXACTLY what is meant by Nurses being caddy and so sad of an example that we as a profession are known to "eat our young"

I have worked in hospitals where medical residents were doing cocaine and given readmission post a recovery time -- does not this student deserve another chance due to situations that for the most part seem out of her control ?

I am sorry you failed your course work -- hang in there . Your in my thoughts and if presented with due data in a calm non emotive manner I hope and think the powers to be will have to consider your situation in a compassionate way and allow you to repeat this. Let us know what happened -- and yes with what I read in your post with your determination and desire YOU SHOULD BE A NURSE ! Keep the vision and dont give up !

Huh? Nursing school is stressful, but no one is expected to go through what she has and still be able to function. This comment was uncalled for. Just how much harder does it have to be? She came on here for support, not a smart comment.:nono: :nono:

I agree 100% with you that was not a nice thing to say...that was so cruel.

I agree 100% with you that was not a nice thing to say...that was so cruel.

hang in there

Specializes in aged -adolescent.

OlOL student nurse

I know where you're coming from and yes you do deserve to get there. Heck you've had a hell of a lot going on. I failed too a couple of times and the more they tried to get me out the more I dug my heels in. I hope you do well at appeal. You have a dream and dream and dreams are important.!!

hang in there love.

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