Help! dont know what to do

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I dont know what to do everyone.. i just got my results back for my first fundementals test and i got a 76%. I am used to getting straight A's. I feel like I'm failing out of nursing school and there is nothing I can do. I studied for hours for this test just like they said we should. I read everything! I know most people dont read everything. i wish i didnt have to. My teacher tests to the objectives like most others. however, cant find the objectives in the textbook witout reading everything. Am I alone. I will do whatever it takes to get a better grade but im stuck how do i get a better grade if I cant skim to the objectives and reading the text takes all my time. I am totally lost!

First off breathe. 76% is a passing grade. No?

Nursing school is a whole different animal than everything you've had to this point. Don't expect your A's to carry over, it's just not very likely.

I don't know about your classes but we have a powerpoint at every single class. I study from those, not the text book. I got an 86% on my first fundamentals exam, I use to get A's too. I knew going into this that it would be different from everything I've done before.

Did you have a test review so you could see what you missed and where you went wrong? Learn from your mistakes. See what you were being tested on (text objectives?, syllabus objectives?, powerpoints?, lecture?) and adjust your studying accordingly.

Good luck!

Specializes in Psych.

A= Great

B= Good


Strive for excellence, deal in reality.

Many people who were used to making straight A's were pulling low B's and High C's.

I havent been to class since the results. I plan on seeing what I got wrong and why. I dont think it was a lack of info. there were only 4 questions on the whole exam that i even had to think twice about. those 4 i had it narrowed down to 50/50 chance. I'm going to go a tutor and maybe they can point me in the right direction. I know everyone is saying be happy with a C but how can anyone be happy with a C. what if you wanna go to grad school. C's are not good enough to get in grad school.

I havent been to class since the results. I plan on seeing what I got wrong and why. I dont think it was a lack of info. there were only 4 questions on the whole exam that i even had to think twice about. those 4 i had it narrowed down to 50/50 chance. I'm going to go a tutor and maybe they can point me in the right direction. I know everyone is saying be happy with a C but how can anyone be happy with a C. what if you wanna go to grad school. C's are not good enough to get in grad school.

It's your first test. A 76% on one test doesn't equal 76% for the whole class. If you keep saying/thinking that you are failing then it will be a self-fulfilling prophacy.

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

Do you belong to a study group? This really helps some people, just bouncing ideas off each other. Meeting after class and discussing the lecture is another good idea. It doesn't even have to be formal. Maybe meeing at a coffee shop--just make sure you stay focused on the lecture not kids, husbands, or boyfriends.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

You seem to be responding to this disappointment with some good productive ideas. Find out what you mist and analyze why you missed those questions. Explore what resources the school offers to help you get on track (such as a tutor). If you think it will help, talk with the instructor and get her perspective.

You're on the right track. Work on those things over the next couple of weeks and try to do a little better on the next test. Don't expect an overnight miricle, but if you keep improving little by little, you'll do OK in this course and even better in the future.

Specializes in Emergency/Cath Lab.

Considering the passing grade on the NCLEX is a 50 I would say you didnt do too bad.

I've decided that nothing I do will result in a grade greater than an 80 or 85 percent in fundamentals. We are asked to read pages upon pages of material from our textbooks then asked a few questions that are nearly all abstract in nature. I think I could avoid reading completely and still score the same. Some in our class do just that.

It's a very frustrating process. A study group would never help in our case. We tried it and it did nothing for us.

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