i've never done anything like this before..but people around me just don't understand. ok here it goes. it has been almost 3 yeras since i graduated nursing school. i have taken the nclex three times and every time at 265 questions has shut off. i have taken the hurst review and have multiple books i study from. at this point i really don't know what to do or where to go from here.
i feel like i shouldn't be doing this. how many times do they have to tell me no before i get the picture. i don't know how much more i can take and how much more i can study. when i study with nurses i work with they look at me like seriously you don't need to study anymore. you know the material. i can study with people and have no problems. when i take the practice test that hurst provides and the NLN predictor tests they all say i am gonna pass. yet every time i have taken the test i have failed. not sure where to go or what to do from here. any help would be appreciated.