Health Condition info to teachers


Specializes in Pedi.

Hi everyone and welcome to another school year!

How does everyone share health info (asthma, food allergy, etc) to teachers? Since lists are a big no-no, in the past I have created a folder for each teacher with a page for each individual student with a pertinent health condition. These folders stay with the teacher and are put in the substitute folders. Specialists are made aware as well. Every year I debate if this is the best way to go about it, and would love some input from fellow school nurses.

Along the same lines, do you have IHCPs/ ECPs for students with health conditions requiring treatment (inhalers, EpiPens, etc.)?

Thanks in advance!

The software our school uses has an area for Medical alerts. I enter the basic information, the student will have a flag with a "M" next to the name - teachers can just click on the flag and the info will pop up. Medical details - I will send an email to the teacher or go and talk face to face with the teacher about he issue.

This year I met with each grade team before school started and we went over all the students in their grade - information was printed and I talked to the teachers in a group about each kids medical info & went over emergency/first aid care for those students.

When it comes to medical info - I feel we do need to respect privacy, but I personally feel all staff need to know about the kids medical info - may not need to know the nitty gritty detailed stuff but they do need to know who the diabetics are, those with severe allergies that actually carry on epi around, those with serious heart conditions etc, seizure disorders etc. Just in case there is an emergency and they happen to be the one to find the kid also the teachers are going to be the ones assisting me in an emergency until EMS arrives - I need them to know what is going on with the kids.

Specializes in NCSN.
Hi everyone and welcome to another school year!

How does everyone share health info (asthma, food allergy, etc) to teachers? Since lists are a big no-no, in the past I have created a folder for each teacher with a page for each individual student with a pertinent health condition. These folders stay with the teacher and are put in the substitute folders. Specialists are made aware as well. Every year I debate if this is the best way to go about it, and would love some input from fellow school nurses.

Along the same lines, do you have IHCPs/ ECPs for students with health conditions requiring treatment (inhalers, EpiPens, etc.)?

Thanks in advance!

I literally do the same thing as you. And I do have emergency action pans for my inhaler and epi pen kids which go into the same folders.

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

Our computer system has a flag for medical conditions that the teachers have access to. For a field trip I do print out a list of the kids going that have a medical condition and give it to the medication trained staff member as they don't have computer access on a field trip.

For many conditions we are REQUIRED to have a physician signed medical management plan, nursing care plan, and emergency action plan. Once the EAP is completed it gets sent to all of the student's teachers, cafeteria (for food allergies), bus drivers, coaches for any sport they are in, and library. They are flagged in the computer, but the subs don't have computer access. Also, the EAPs go on all off campus events.

We have these for every documented asthma (with or without inhaler), allergy with epi-pen, food allergy (with or without epi), diabetic, cystic fibrosis, seizure disorder, cardiac, orthopedic issues, and generic ones for things not covered above.

I am drowning in paperwork and writing care plans in my sleep!

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