Health Class ideas


Specializes in Home Care, Psych, Education, Case Management.

I'm a school nurse and this is my first year that I will be actually teaching health classes to kids ages 10-20. Does anyone have any good ideas, resources, or lesson plans?? I am starting with safety and injury prevention for the first module, was thinking first aid, care of sports injuries etc.


I teach Health Class once per week for each grade (K-6). I start every year off with a hygiene lesson, handwashing-showering and deodorant (depending on the age). I always do a first aid/safety, nutrition and fitness, healthy/unhealthy friendships/relationships, goal setting, Drugs and Medications, common childhood illnesses, when to stay at home, dental health. There's more I'm forgetting.

Right now my K class is learning about the parts of the body (heart, lungs, stomach, skeleton) my 1st and 2nd graders are learning about fruits and veggies and eating a rainbow of foods each day, my 3rd and 4th graders are making ads to convince others to try their favorite vegetable and my 5th and 6th graders are researching and presenting on contagious diseases.

Kids health online is a big resource of information as well as your state's Health education standards. There's lots to be found online and a lot I am making up as I go along. It's my favorite part of my job. Hope this is helpful.

Specializes in School nursing.

This year I'm teaching sex ed to my 7th and 8th graders and hopefully 12th graders. Important stuff for the older kids, but I realize that some schools aren't as progressive. I'm using the Get Real curriculum from Planned Parenthood (Get Real).

Specializes in retired LTC.

On a previous post in this forum, I read where a nurse presented info on bullying - seems like a hot topic lately.

Specializes in Home Care, Psych, Education, Case Management.

Thanks for all the ideas! Really helps.

If your school has a subscription to brainpop or brainpopjr, it's a really helpful site!

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