Having lots of trouble


I’ve wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. I am in my second year of school and I don’t feel I am retaining anything. I don't know what will happen once I am in nursing school. I have only taken one semester of A&P and it was hard. Does this mean I am not equip for nursing? I have trouble with the words, although I seem to do well with my test I am still feeling like I'm the dumpiest in my class. My instructor said I am just being hard on myself and that all students go through this process. I will be starting organic chemistry next semester and I am terrified of that class. I put it off every time but now I need to complete it and do well in it. I am not sure what my question is but if you can understand what I am feeling and have some advice then I will welcome your comments. Thanks so much, this site is a big help to me it has so much information for learning.

You know, I think every one has at some point in their school experience, felt like you do now. I remember one semester where I felt so disinterested in learning anything and every study moment was torture. Looking back I realize that I had finished a particularly grueling semester previously and that I was probably experiencing a burn-out type syndrome. But keep going, even if it's step by step. These classes ARE hard, but not impossible to complete. I often feel inept, and stupid at time (and I know I'm not). If you are struggling but are passing your classes then just know that you are in good company. Most all my friends in pre-req's and nursing school are too. Cheer up, you are not in this alone. Good luck!

Just relax and stop stressing yourself. Keep that in mind, you are not going to remember every little details in A&P, it is just not possible. What you need to do, try to understand the general idea instead of memorizing everything. Know the anatomical positions, bones, muscles and their actions. Like my instructor said, Anatomy is like a big fat elephant, you have to eat it a little bit at a time. Take a deep breathe........you will do fine.

Hello everyone,

Its been a while since I last visited. I had to stop school for a while and was so sad. I am back in school and will be giving it my all. I'm very busy with school. I am doing much better then I was. I rally seem to understand more and more. I'm making better grades in all my classes. School is hard as all get-out but also fun. I thank you all for your post to me I did take your advice and it worked. I hope to be starting NS in "09", I know it is taking me longer then most but I will successed. I have longed for this for to long to let it go now. :balloons:

Specializes in RN- Med/surg.

You'll get through it. I think everyone feels that way. I worried about how much I forgot constantly and still do. But..as long as you keep going you'll reach your goals. Good luck! (glad things are going better!)

Thanks, they really are. I think what made the difference for me was finding the joy in being in school. I got an 82.5 on my A&P exam today. I was so happy about that. Last time I took this class I failed. Right now I need a good medical dictionary.

You'll get through it. I think everyone feels that way. I worried about how much I forgot constantly and still do. But..as long as you keep going you'll reach your goals. Good luck! (glad things are going better!)
Specializes in Almost everywhere.

I can understand what you are saying. I took almost 2 years of pre-reqs before I went on to a RN program. I felt like I got in a rut, wasn't retaining anything and wondering how I was going to make it through nursing school which was likely going to be a huge challenge as far as rearranging my life and my family's life to get through it.

But....it can be done. Keep plugging along and do the best you can. You are probably doing better than you think, so just take one day at a time.

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