Published Jan 8, 2007
amy0123, BSN, RN
190 Posts
Has anyone thought to take a shift off because of low census but it turned out they had to be there? I thought I might have a possiblility of taking off, and as the time grew very close to the shift, I received a call to come in. Then I arrived a few hours late because I did not have enough commute time to get there. Could someone go through disciplinary action through this case? This is just terrible!
805 Posts
The rule here is that you are expected to be ready to work when assigned unless called off. Not the other way around. If they call you off, you have to be within 1 hour of work. That is the maximum amount of time allowed from being called back in to being on the floor ready to work allowed before disciplinary action can be taken. Were you called off, or just hoping to be called off?
DolphinRN84, MSN, RN, APRN, NP
1,326 Posts
Where I work, to be called off, they have to call AT LEAST 2 hours before the start of your shift. Same if you call off, you have to give them 2 hours notice before the start of shift.
678 Posts
Dolphin that's how it was at the hospital I worked at in Mass too. The one I work at now....If you work days you are supposed to call off by 0530 and if you work nights they want you to call off by 1400. Now when I worked nights I was asleep at 1400 still and did not usually get up unit if I woke up sick I still had to go to off if they are calling shift they call at 0530 and nights they call by 1700.
I was hoping to have off because the charge nurse said it might be possible to have off. Boy oh boy did I goof! That's not happening again!!! I have to be sure to be there even when there is too much uncertainty of whether I would be called off or standby.
danissa, LPN, LVN
896 Posts
if you call in to take a shift off, is this counted as a leave day/holiday, or do you swap to another day, bit confused:uhoh21:
I need to plan better and swap days with another nurse when I want off!! But ofcourse, not at the last minute or the same day would I do that. It has to be requested in advance, so it's good to take a peak at my schedule and get an idea of what days to switch.
Is there a rule to switching too much? Abusing the privilege? It probaly looks messy in the scheduling book!
I am in Scotland, any day you want to swap has to be arranged between the two staff members and ok'd by the boss. if you want the day off, and there are enough staff to cover, then it WILL be a leave/holiday day and will be taken off your allowance!
Hoozdo, ADN
1,555 Posts
The rule at my place is you are on call if you get called off. You have to show up within one half hour. We get a paltry oncall pay. Quite often if you get called off they will call you in. I get ready for work anyway incase they call. You should never PLAN on getting called off. Yes, at my place you could get disciplinary action.