Published Feb 6, 2006
89 Posts
I am in my 3rd week of block one at GWCC. The problem I am running into is that the people in my class are not friendly. I am not talking about my classmates being shy. They are actually mean to each other, to me. It seems they have formed clicks (despite the teacher saying not to.). Normally, I would not care, but it is interferring with labs and class work. :uhoh21: What should I do (if anything)? Any help woul be appreciated.
Thank You.
81 Posts
That is just terrible! I can not imagine them being nurses!!! The instructor might want to know this, but in an anonomous way. I feel for you, having to put up with such infantile behavior. Sorry.
109 Posts
It'll happen. You don't need to lower yourself to anyone's level, but you need to cover your six.
Calzonan RN
515 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear this is happening to you, I know how hard that is. Do any of these people live near you? Maybe you could see about forming a study group with some people near you and that will help you to get to know them outside of school. Maybe your teacher could assign people to work together instead of letting everyone pick for themselves.
Good luck
Thank you for all of your encouragement. The ideas you have given me are good.
Calzon, you had great ideas, but the teacher has already done them and things are still the same. I do live near some of them, but that does not seem to make a difference (I have tried inviting them out to study or to eat etc..). Now I am trying to figure out how to anonoumsly let the teacher know what is going on. There is no way to do so at GWCC.
437 Posts
Just out of curiousity, what kinds of mean things are these classmates doing to you and eachother?
Groups probably can't be avoided. In my class (block two at skill ctr) a lot of people have settled into their little groups that they are comfortable in. But still, everyone talks to eachother, there aren't mean things going on, but I think groups forming is something that can't be avoided.
4 Posts
Hi Smurfy!
Are you in the traditional daytime program at Gateway? If you are, you and I are in the same classes. I feel horrible that some people in our class are being mean to you. Unfortunately we don't have alot of time to get to know each other during classtime. Why don't you stay on campus during lunch and join some other students and get to know them. (But not the ones that were mean to you of course). Perhaps you can find a study partner/group that meets at school or at a halfway point. There are a lot of friendly and interesting people in our class. Don't let an experience with a few students make you unhappy. Nursing school is very stressfull but it can be very fun as well. Send me a private message if you would like to talk some more about what is going on.