Published Nov 8, 2005
14 Posts
I would like to travel and I want my family with me. We have 3 children and never see eachother because we work opposite shifts so as not to send the 2 youngest to daycare. I have told my husband that we can have an exciting life traveling and that I can earn what we both earned and still have fun ( I hope this is true). I need input from you all how to make this happen, housing wise and transportation wise, etc. I need to know if there are others traveling with their spouses (husbands specifically) who are not working, but taking care of the kids and how is this working for you? Help? Any family friendly agencies out there? We've already sold the house and are living in an apt before buying the next. I want to travel before we buy our next home.While we are not tied down. Thanks for any responses.
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
i i need to know if there are others traveling with their spouses (husbands specifically) who are not working, but taking care of the kids and how is this working for you? help? any family friendly agencies out there? we've already sold the house and are living in an apt before buying the next. i want to travel before we buy our next home.while we are not tied down. thanks for any responses.
i convinced my husband to travel with me -- he's a nurse, too, so we both had jobs. i've had friends traveling with husbands as well. nancy traveled for a year while her husband traveled with her and homeschooled the kids. at the end of the year, they went home and he got his job back.
hubby knows an x-ray tech who traveled with her husband. they'd try to take assignments where they could stay for six months or so, and he'd get a job delivering pizza or something similar so that he'd have spending money but could still be available to play when she wanted to.
if your husband really doesn't want to travel, though, how about waiting until the kids leave home.? then you could rent your house out (or even close it up for 13 weeks at a time, and go back to visit between assignments) and travel without having to worry about the kids. i know a few couples who are doing that.
good luck with whatever you decide.
76 Posts
As a travel husband I must say it did take a lot of convincing to have me quit my job of 25 years . Scared heck yea we were. But with simple math...................My salary,rent,utilities - her salary,paid housing,paid utilites , kids out of house= My early retirement.
My wife (fortunately) loves to work and loves nursing. She said "Honey you have supported our family for the 1st 25 yrs of our marriage . Now it is my turn!!" Gotta love that woman.
We are currently on our 3 assigment, we went out of state for a few , and now we have a grand baby we came back to see him. Our next venture. Spring trainingg baseball in January. Her idea not mine. Once again Gotta love that woman!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have any question feel free to ask
Make sure hubby has a hobby!! Can get boring if not:rotfl:
7 Posts
When i did my first travel assignment I went alone at fiirst, leaving my husband and 13 y/o daughter at home. When I got lonely, they both came 1000 miles to stay with me; she went to school for 3 months in NM and my husband took care of us full time (and worked at a part time job to stave off boredom). It was like a vacation from real life! This year we intend to take a summer assignment in northern CA or upstate NY or CO or VT................
Who needs a vacation?!:balloons: :balloons: :)
2 Posts
My husband and I are doing just that now. He is a paramedic and gave up his job to homeschool. We have 2 boys ages 10 and 11. This is our first time out but we are loving it already. Our income did drop slightly but the extra time as a family, the satisfaction of knowing what our children are taught and how they are taught it, more than makes up for the dip in income. I am so grateful we took the chance. We left our older children "renting" our house. So far- so good. I am traveling with Supplemental Health care and my recruiter has been a gem. Good luck to you..................
Where is your first assignment? How are you guys handling housing?
4 Posts
Hi I am new to travel nursing as well...and I have a 3yr old and a husband. He is a personal trainer and fitness model who was getting pretty good money in Los Angeles...and it took a lot of convincing but he came he loves it but he cant stay still and got a temporary seasonal job at ups to drive during the holiday season. He starts tomorrow. I work graveyard and he will be on days. I enrolled my son in preschool here so he doesnt miss out on what he had back home. So far I love it and it helps if you tell your husband that this is an opportunity to save up some money for your future.
Thanks for replying. Seeing that there are others out there who took the leap makes us more sure of going ahead with it. How long have you been traveling? Any drawbacks? Are you saving money?
120 Posts
I want my boyfriend to come along with me when i travel(which wont be for at least 2 years and by then we might be married) but he doesnt know what to do about a job. We are both young (21yrsold) but i would LOVE to travel before having a family. He was thinking about just getting Temp jobs while we travel. Hes willing to work just about anywhere. I would love for him to get a job online or something. That would be really conveinent. What do you think?
I dont think finding a temp job should be hard. We have been here since Sept. 14 and my husband got a seasonal job at UPS during the holidays. Its a temporary job to begin with. He goes to the gym and when people there find out what we are doing they tell him all about job opportunities. He's had an offer from a hotel and an offer at the gym but he thought the UPS job would be better. But I think that there is nothing wrong with a husband staying home with the kids. Its a good time for them to get to enjoy the children the way that mom's (in a lot of cases do) The relationship between my 3 year old and husband has flourished in just the 2months we have been here.:)
That is very encouraging. I am letting my husband read all these posts. He is excited. How did you decide where you wanted to go and which company was best for your family situation?
197 Posts
Spring trainingg baseball in January. Spring training baseball is in March, but you can come on down in January.
Spring training baseball is in March, but you can come on down in January.