Has anyone else taken College Chemistry wothout HS chem?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone!

I've already asked a question regarding college chemistry difficulty. You all helped alleviate my worries. But now I'm second guessing myself again. :(

Like I've said before, because of personal problems in my life at the time, I was unable to take high school chemistry. Now, I need college chem. I wasn't so worried until my cousin told me she got a C in the same class/teacher I'll be taking. And she took HS chem AND physics. That makes me think if she got a C, I'm bound to fail!!! Although, I did get an A+ in college algebra even though math is my weakest subject.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Please be honest, do you think I have any chance at all in this class?

By the way, I did go out and buy Chemistry for Dummies and I'm reading it now. Thanks for the advice!

You have to keep in mind that we're FORCED to go to high school and that plays a big part in the grades we earn there. I failed every science class I ever took in HS....lol I scored A's and B's in those same courses in college. How you performed in HS has nothing whatsoever to do with how you'll perform in college. How serious you are about you college education will dictate the grades you earn.

Charli_apple that is the most accurate piece of advice I have ever read! You are right 100%!!!! I know that when I was in high school, I didn't really care. My parents took me to school everyday but I really did not care about school. I just went to see my friends and hang out. I did not care about grades. It was not until graduation day when I saw everyone with their 15 honor cords that I realized that I played my entire time in HS. I graduated with a 2.8 GPA which isn't horrible but it wasn't the 3.5's and on up that everyone else had. You are absolutely right. How you performed in HS has NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with how you'll do in college. As of now I'm a sophmore in college and I have a 3.3 GPA and I am looking VERY forward to the fall! I have a yearning for school that I have never had before! I get so excited and I strive for EXCELLENT grades. How serious you are in college will absolutely determine the grades you earn. I'm almost to that 3.5!!! I also never took Chemistry in HS and you and me are in the same boat LaceElaine. I plan to take General Chemistry in the Spring of 2013 but I am taking Principles of Chemistry in the fall (it's the same as Intro to Chemistry) I feel confident because I believe in myself!!!! We can do it!!

Thanks guys! I'm praying that you're all right. :) I know I have the determination and study habits. I just hope I can understand it all. I've been told terrible things about this professor. But he's the only Chen professor available to non-Goodrich Scholars. :/I've heard many people say to get a tutor, but how? Is this usually a free service offered at universities or do you have to pay??
Your school will have tutoring services offered for free on campus. Of course it's included in the fees you pay in tuition. But other than that just find out where it's located and sign up. Also, I'd say don't wait until your falling behind in class to sign up for tutoring, do it in the beginning that way you don't fall behind. Especially, if you are unsure of how well you'll do in the class. Just make sure you stay on top of your studies.

I didn't take high school chem. I got an A- in my college program.

Specializes in Cardiac.

Me too, I also received an A and I never took it in HS, and I was 43 years old when I took my first chemistry class. I loved my chem class it was one of my favorite classes.

I had the exact same problem!! I did not take HS Chem and I was so scared that I would fail. The other people in the class seemed to have an advantage because they had taken it before but I still got an A in the class. It was difficult for me but I talked to my instructor during office hours and had free tutoring through my school which helped me tremulously! So you should be fine just make sure that you take advantage of any available resources.

I didn't know that you could graduate high school with out taking a Chemistry class...Anyways, with that being said, the General Chemistry class I took in college wasn't much more advanced than the chemistry class I took in high school. I didn't take Introductory Chemistry, but I have heard it is chemistry "from the beginning... The fundamentals of learning chemistry." (At my university, Introductory Chemistry is first and then General Chemistry next. I started with General Chemistry) I think if you put your all into it, you should be fine! Just give yourself plenty of time to learn the concepts and study for exams, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! Good luck!!

P.S. I'm not sure that all schools do this, but my university offers a "supplemental instruction" lab for math, chemistry, and biology courses. Cost is included in tuition. It is open on weekday afternoons. Teachers and aides are available in the lab to help with homework, learning concepts, preparing for exams, etc. See if your school has something like this available.

Specializes in Oncology/hematology.

I got an A in college chem last summer. I failed high school chem in 1986. Don't worry about it. What others do in the class doesn't have to be what you do.

I took Chem in 11th grade (in 1994 LOL) and was a passing student but really struggled in it. Honestly, I didn't remember a darn thing almost 20 yrs later, so while I did take it in HS you might as well say I didn't LOL Anyway, I'm taking it now and I have a high A in the class halfway through the semester. I will say, I am studying my butt off, but it's important to me to (1) Understand it and (2) get an A so I have a high GPA for NS entrance, so the study time is worth it.

Do all the practice problems in your book. Look for resources online. Attend study sessions if your school offers it. Take advantage of your professor's office hours. Oh and 1 resource that really has helped me was watching the videos on Youtube and on Brightstorm (Chemistry - Science - Brightstorm).

You can do this!!!!

I never took HS Chem and took Chem 101 in college. I am a poor student in math, but managed to get a C in the class anyhow. I had a great teacher and studied my butt off. You will do fine!

I didnt take chem in hs.I took it in college,and thank God the school that I went to had tutor.That helped out big time.Check out the library and see if they have a learning resources center.

You have to keep in mind that we're FORCED to go to high school and that plays a big part in the grades we earn there. I failed every science class I ever took in HS....lol I scored A's and B's in those same courses in college. How you performed in HS has nothing whatsoever to do with how you'll perform in college. How serious you are about you college education will dictate the grades you earn.

You're completely right. I'm so excited about this coming semester. If I have the determination I can do as well as I want. Thanks everyone for being so supportive! I'm feeling much more confident in myself! I'm actually a little excited to take on this class to show myself what I'mI capable of. :)

I don't remember taking chemistry in high school. I just took it two semesters ago and loved it. My teacher was extremely picky but she curved a lot. I ended up with an A in the class. As mentioned above, use all the resources available to you in order to pass the class.

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