harrasment by nurse manager


Hello all. Recently I have been floated quite regular to a dementia floor. I work with another float and regular staff one of whom is brand new. She's been there just as long as I have (3mos). Anyways, she has been the target of harrasment by the nurse manager for that floor. From the moment she started working there the nurse manager was overheard saying mean things about her like she looks goofy and she walks funny. The nurse manager follows her around and double checks her work and checks her pts frequently. She also tells the LPN's on the floor to watch her and report anything this aide does. Up until recently there was no incident just the unprofessional behaviour by the nurse manager but yesterday the aide was called down to the nurse office to be "witten up" for not changing a resident by the time highlighted on the CNAAR sheet, there is a two hour window. This aide has always been given the hardest assignments and we all help her out however we can. Instead of the 10 am change the resident was changed at 10 30. The nurse manager went around and did her regular thing by following this aide and promptly decided that this warranted a write up. Now granted this resident was not really wet and she is alert enough to say she needed changing. This whole thing has made the cna very uncomfortable to the point of quittting. I cant say I blame her. My question is what should this aide do? What would you do in a situation like this if you were witnessing this or was the aide yourself?

Specializes in Critical Care, Capacity/Bed Management.

When I had issues with my manager I went to the director of nursing in my facility and explained to her my worries and issues, i then filed an employee grievance with HR. Things have cooled down since then but I work for a major hospital and word around the block is that in an LTCF things are a lot different.

If she follows the correct chain of command and no change is noted I would resign.

Wow I feel sorry for her...she has a tough hall AND this manager is down her back. I feel like nurse managers should treasure aids that have difficult floors ...cause I'm one that will considering quitting in a heart beat if I get an extremely difficult floor. Anyway she should follow the chain of command right now b/c it sounds like this manager may be looking to replace her or at least make her miserable. I would tell her to document everything even the snide remarks the nurse said about her looking goofy etc. and tell the next person in command...might be the don i don't know it depends on her facility.

That's awful! This is uncalled for on the NM part and she sounds like she's nothing but a bully. She's found someone that she deems inferior to her and she's going to play on that. That's what bullies do.

If I were the aide I would report her to the DON and like Ohiogyl mentioned, I would document everything that this NM does and says. Not only is the NM rude, but very unprofessional in how she is treating this person. That is really sad. If I didn't see any results after reporting then I would resign my position and look for work elsewhere.

Keep us posted on how things work out for your co-worker.

Specializes in assisted living & memory care.

that is just down right stupid. wow in stead of that manager double checking that aids work, she could of been doing actual work. thats right, i know hard to swollow for many. if it were me, i would quit in a heart beat! nobody deserves that kind of b.s treatment,nope sorry not in my book. tell her to get looking and do herself a favor and move on.(two week notice of course)

people make me sick, they really do. and people wonder why no one wants to work in that area..pff honestly. this is why i go to school, so one day i can put managers like that in their place. i do hope everything works out for your friend. ~ melissa

I spoke with the aide today and she tells me she is looking elsewhere for work since she is worried that her speaking up so early in her employment may reflect badly on her 90 day review. I dont know...... on one hand I understand where she is coming from but on the other hand if she doesnt stand up for herself she might be doomed to have the same thing repeated. She is really nice and she helps out others on the floor and she is a very capable aide. I dont undrstand this managers problem with the aide. There are other aides on the floor that are sorely lacking when compared to this girl. I will suggest to her that she should document everything and still file a grievence with HR even if she quits. I understand that this manager has a history of behaving like this but I believe in the old saying...... what goes around comes around.

Indeed it does. As my grandad always said...it'll all come out in the wash :wink2:

Whatever she does she really does need to file a grievance against this nurse. I wish her lots of luck.

as a previous hr manager, recruiter, etc…now working on my rn. i will give a response from the employer side. 1. this aide needs to document dates, time, location and witness even people who were in the general area even if she thinks they didn’t hear anything. 2. follow the appropriate chain of command as outline in the employee handbook. this aide doesn’t know if there is already in investigation on this nm from previous reports/complaints. 3. continue to do her job with dignity and grace; don’t allow the nm the satisfaction to see her get upset by the nm authority, as this can cause the nm to act in an adverse manner. always, remember to document everything. 4. after following the appropriate chain of command and following all the steps outlined within the employee handbook, the aide can then file a complaint with hr in writing.[color=#7f7f7f]

i wouldn’t just quit as most people have indicated, i wouldn’t give the nm the satisfaction that “she made me quit”. most employees don’t understand that if you’re nm or any management staff or employee creates a hostile working environment, you have every right to put the employer/employee on notice and the employer must take immediate actions. as most employers will respond immediately, as an employee can file for unemployment and collect on the basis of working in a hostile environment. in addition, if a law suit was to be filed by the aide the employer can testify that they had no knowledge or the aide didn’t give the employer to opportunity to “fix” the problem by either (a) following the appropriate chain of command or (b) filling a written documentation of compliant with hr.

also, an employer cannot take adverse actions against an employee for filling a compliant it is illegal to do so. so, this aide 90 day review can only be reviewed on the basis of her performance and performance only not on the basis of her compliant.

as we all know if it isn’t documented and didn’t happen.

Ohiocleveland that was awesome!!!:yeah: Im gonna e-mail her that info asap. Thanks for your responses,,you guys ROCK!!!!

I am always willing to assist anyone in the areas of employment law. I have worked on the employer side and have seen so many things done worng and so many cover up to protect the employer for their worng doing i decided to leave the field that's why i'm going to school for my RN. I enjoy helping people and being an advocate for people. I guess that's why i'm no longer with my former employer, for not making false documentation. Good luck to your friend/co-worker. Keep us posted!

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